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Everything posted by HazleDub

  1. I am having same issue with this signature alice mesh skin, My eyes/face goes away once i try to apply clothing. I even bought the outfits from the signature store, then replacing the head/face back on with makeup, it stays blurry in the face and have to reapply the head and fix it. How do I apply other clothing other then the clothes from the store itself? I have watched video's before I had purchased the mesh skin to learn. still having issues. Thank you
  2. Hello I am new to SL and was looking on the site at properties and noticed one was L$499 so I made sure i have it in my SL account . seconds later I get a email from my bank saying it has purchased through my bank. How is that possible? Did i just use $500 of my bank account funds? How do I fix that or return transaction? Please help
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