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  1. Thank you to all who responded to my post. I came across this blogging thing accidentally when shopping on Marketplace and just came back to it to see these wonderful responses. I'm so glad to have another avenue of education for SL. There's still so much for me to learn and I'm glad that people give their advice so willingly. I feel fully welcomed to this wonderful world we are in.
  2. A whole new world of bright lights, fabulous clothes and wonderful people... mostly. A co-worker told me about this 'game' she played and showed me a picture of her avi (which I now know means avatar). She was gorgeous, full lips, exotic eyes and the clothes...flawless. I knew I had to join, but I wasn't going to half-ass it. I looked up videos, google searches and found out what I needed to look as lovely as the avi I'd seen. As you can imagine, I spent an obscene amount of money and took quite some time to set up my avi just so. And she's lovely. I was feeling quite proud. Until I saw the next gorgeous avi. (Talk about envy!) Fortunately, the people I have met since starting are incredibly supportive, helping me find shopping events, stores and great places to hang out. I started to understand no matter how shiny and new you look, or how classic, you are you and what people will remember more than how sexy your avi looks, is how generally kind you are. Made friends with a few of the kind ones and look forward to paying that kindness forward to the next new person... but for every 10 great people, there seems to be one jackass or pervert. Understanding the ratio helps you to understand that Second Life in a lot of ways is like real life. You take the rose with the thorns. And now after all the shopping and dancing and beaches, I'm now discovering more beautiful places and really fun roleplay. There's several places I'm looking forward to exploring, and a lot more fashion I intend to acquire. Here's to being new, broke and discovering here in Second Life.
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