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CoreyPatrick McMillan

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Everything posted by CoreyPatrick McMillan

  1. To Love.. the hand waving thing does'nt happen every time... but it looks like avie try'n to dance while sitting
  2. thx Cindy. yes i understand the choice thing ..when i get dance choice, AND while partner on the other ball they get animated just fine. never see them sit! only time we sit together is in our living room..lol Everyone has to under stand i have been with dancing for over 13 yrs here never any problems or as a noob either ..this just started maybe a month ago..:(
  3. Thx love Zhaoying.. I'll say again... when i click on dance ball or pole what ever is in any sim.. first choice i get is ( animate your avatar? ) I say yes. second question.. ( couples or single? ) i choose couples.. two balls pop up. depending on dance machine. question is either ("dance") or ( sit).. i choose and boom my avaie just sits nothing pops anywhere on screen for more choices!.. What i did forget to mention to all is... single dance choice works fine for me ...mm
  4. thx... Nalates....but ya..i'm burnt on it...i came here to chill from RL..not to make my life more complicated...if I should go there again as you suggest...means i'm blessed with the time...:) and i DID as you said...once enough for me..:( im too lazy for 2, 3 times
  5. hi thx for come back.. Rowan... Even if my dance partner rezz's the dance balls, gets on. .works fine.. I do nothing different than her. We walked thru it together becuuse like all above she too thought the fault is mine not doing it right...even though i have had no problems in past since i rezzed in SL back in 07 still same her avie dances and my just squirms waves his arms but in setting postsision as if in a chair. a very pothtic piture lol. .
  6. THX FOR THE REPYS all... SO I'LL ANSWER IN ORDER 1 to Rowan Minx.. Yes i rezzed new balls..same problem..my dance partner..she has no problem with same balls...she dances fine. WE had other frind jump on same set with her..and works fine for them Too as couples..mm.. 2 to MoiraKatleen.. I keep my screens cleared and uncluttered most of the time.. 3 tO Perma...and Nalates Yes that's true if i want to dance alone...but I enjoy holding my dance partner close when dancing..especialy if i paid big $$ for her to wear SL perfume # 5 lol 4. to Cindy this problem is everywhere for me,,even at my SL HOME with my own Dance balls.. 5 To Jean i'll look closer nxt time...but i'm sure i always choose "SIT".. WELL THX EVERYONE..I DID SEND A BUG / SUPPORT REQUEST TO sl... WE'LL SEE..NORMALY THEY NO HELP I'VE SEEN IN TIME I BEEN HERE...SINCE 07.. HAPPY NEW YRS TO ALL..
  7. This a male's point of view...me..i agree with all the females above...lol... but really whao ..da!
  8. thx for come back but 15mins still no good!!.. hell i have set there for allmost an hr before
  9. My avie only sets on dance balls provide by dance sims...though my dance partner has no problem. I have chk'n my prefs..hoping to fix something i missed. i have both reloaded SL viewer and Firestorm... still same
  10. My avie only sits on the dance ball at any sim & not dance... while other avie../ partner has no trouble. Can not find anything in prefs. to fix. have reloaded both SL viewer, and Firestorm .same problem.
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