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Sindy Lovelace

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Posts posted by Sindy Lovelace

  1. Yes I am always human. The whole non-human thing is cool but I have never been into it.

    But to save on managing alt accounts (I don't want to have alt accounts), and re-use clothing (saves money), I created four very distinct looks for my one avatar, but only one looks somewhat like me :) I love people who chat with me guessing.

  2. Hi all. Hoping the collective hive mind can help with this. Looking for a 3some bed, MMF as a minimum. Now the hard part.

    Modern, contemporary and must have white texture choices, ie, almost the whole bed be able to be white (at a minimum mattress, sheets and pillows).

    Nothing puffy with massive headboard, posts etc. Clean modern look. Animations as good and/or wide-ranging as Ruckus, preferred, but must look like the stuff that places like Fancy Decor, Blacknest, Fourth Wall etc sell.

    I've tried Stockholm, Sey/Cumming Soon, Shaka, Loft Aria, Gracefully Wicked, and a few more and nothing yet. Thanks for any help.

    • Like 2
  3. Agree. I've been scammed before when I was a newbie and assumed that open water canal to the larger sailing area was going to stay that way. I bought a small parcel, and even made sure i made my little island and cottage narrow enough that two other owners cold sail past. Within 2 weeks that canal had also been bought and the guy blocked it up and put ban lines up. Three of us now could not sail out. I'm very super wary of buying parcels now on good sailing areas without checking the surrounding parcels thoroughly. Not Linden, I won't buy.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  4. Read a curious article in the Guardian today about how the rollout of Zuck's metaverse has done nothing to deal with the general misogynistic ass-hattery that goes on in virtual spaces.

    Female avatars can apparently be groped/touched in his virtual world (not surprising since FB started as a way to rate college girls' looks) and FB is like "I don't know how to fix that?" BS.

    How about a setting that's on by default that basically says "no one can touch my avatar without my permission"? You know, like that basic concept of f-ing consent? The geniuses at FB can't figure that one out? What a Zuck-f&ck.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

    Lots of tinkering and tweaking I finally got to a point where I replaced my old head for a next gen one. Likely an always ongoing fine-tune project but here's me with my new head



    Gosh that's super pretty! What brand is that, Zeta?

    3 hours ago, VictoriaGrwd said:


    Want this dress soooo bad ...

    • Like 3
  6. On 10/12/2021 at 11:06 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

    Rez a big flat prim at ground level. Size it to just fit within your parcel boundaries (If your parcel is odd shaped, or too large for one big prim, you can set posts at the corners instead). Now sit on the platform and use the Edit menu to change its Z position to the altitude you want. Poof! You and your platform are now at 2000m or whatever, and still exactly over your own land parcel. Now rez your skybox and position it so that it is within the edges of your platform, or within your corner marker posts.

    Exactly what my landlord does. She has floating flat prims at a few different levels to delineate her parcel boundary, makes them coloured and slightly transparent, and you place stuff on them and make sure your house/skybox is centred and staying inside the edges. Simple and adds only a single LI to the parcel.

  7. 19 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Go into edit outfit.  All the tattoo layers will show there.  Move them up or down using the arrow that appears on the right side when you highlight an item.

    OMG. Thanks!!!!

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Dean Claremont said:

    Yes, that would be interesting :)

    Just. Be. Careful. There are folks who run dog avatars and roleplay as pets (yay!) ... and then that other group. 🙄

    And yes, Rezz Room and Jian. Love my Jian cat!

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/7/2021 at 12:24 PM, Marianne Little said:

    ... and sort tattoo layers up or down.

    Wait, you can arrange tattoo layers so my beauty moles will not need to be turned on/off anymore every single time when I wear something that messes with the BOM layers??????


    PS. I'm also on the LeLutka EvoX absolutely cheerleading squad. I have two of my three looks on Lel now (though one is not EvoX) and have no problems figuring out the interface. The only thing I ever need to do is open the HUD up when I load the other avatar is click the first little button Evo/EvoX and voila. 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Petite add-on for Lara. I beg you.

    So many great, quality women's clothing shops that have some really amazing clothing designs and then I get there and there is little or no support for Petite Lara. I'm not going to name and shame, but I really am shocked at how little Petite support there is in some of the best known clothing stores, and all you small-breasted gals know some of the ones I'm digging at, I'm sure.

    Not everyone is C cup and up, you know. Show some Petite love.

    As a 5'9" tall ex-ballerina IRL with A cup breasts I approve this message. :) I have even seen ballet costumes without lara petite sizes, I mean, seriously?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. I bought a nice house that happens to have a basement, and I can't figure out how to terraform the ground in nice straight blocks with vertical walls. I want to remove/lower the land to fit the basement without distorting the land that immediately touches the house. I keep having really ugly gaps because the edge of the basement digging is rounded (sloped?) badly.

    Any idea how this is done? Or can it be done?

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