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  1. 3 words: check your parcel. Didnt notice that part of the skyboxes wasnt within my boundary. Simple as that.
  2. Took some digging and observation, but I figured it out
  3. I'm adding furniture to land that I own, and after I rez it and move it into place, it disappears after a few seconds as if I'd never placed anything there. I have more than enough prims (I checked that) Ex: I place down a room divider and move it into place. I rez a second divider and move it into place. It stays where I move it, then it vanishes as if I hadn't done anything. If I try to do it again, I get the same result. I decide to try again later and rez another object. That one gets moved where I want it, and stays there. I rez a few more objects with equal success.. then come back to the divider and move it into place.. and it vanishes again. I know I can place the two dividers next to each other, because I did it on another parcel of land I own, and they're still there.
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