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Everything posted by ArcticFox1x

  1. I need to figure out a way to raise more income thanks everyone I'm basically done here
  2. I want my own private space so I don't have to worry about upsetting anybody else if anybody else lives on a homestead with me there are going to be complaining about some of the stuff I'll be doing probably
  3. are you allowed to place any objects of your own I need 1600 prims for my personal stuff
  4. I'm thinking about doing it I just need to know how much Linden's I have to get I don't have a problem with spending $75 to $100 for property in this I prefer around $85 but I don't spect that to be realistic I'm talking about US dollars I want a property with no Neighbors
  5. you can get a good one for 200 Linden's I have but to customize it more you might want to spend more so I actually recommend 2000 Linden dollars for your budget and don't stick to human avatars that's very limiting there's a lot of choices out there shop around do not limit yourself to Only Humans there's a lot more choices out there besides furries and humans
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