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Posts posted by DaniRost

  1. 1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    Were you in their land group? Or any group associated with the owners and their bots? Does the names you worked with list any groups in their profile?  And, did they return your stuff you had rezzed on your parcel?  Seems there is more you can do, despite no help from LL whatsoever, to try and figure out what happened.  If the regions are offline and you still have your stuff there, LL will usually restart the region and allow access for a few hours, so you can reclaim your things.

    It would take some effort for the owners to remove everyone (all their bots and hidden accounts) from a profile listing, which means it was no accident if they did.  They might have canceled all of their SL accounts and taken their regions offline.  In which case LL can still restart their regions.    I can see where you don't care to put in any more time chasing invisible rabbits, but surely not all of the renters feel the same?

    Yes it is too bad LL has no law system for their residents, other than crooks stealing your account and taking your lindens or Tillia balance where Tillia might respond.  Governments cost money, and nobody wants to pay taxes.


    Thanks, that's a great idea. Unless they kill the group. LOL. But I will look. 

  2. I've tried searching for them. They don't show up, at least the names I have for them. There was one individual that would contact me from time to time. I have not gotten any answer from them. 

    I don't want to belabor this anymore. I just wanted to see if there was any recourse for me. And quite frankly I assumed there wouldn't be. I'm a skeptic. And I don't know why in the world I wouldn't go to a forum to find information about an issue like this. I do it in all the other forums I belong to. Anyway, thanks for the positive responses. And no, I'm not going to pursue this in RL. It's certainly not worth that. Thanks anyway.

    • Like 5
  3. 14 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I do want to emphasize something that a number of people here have hinted at: that while you may have been "unwise" or even "foolish" to have paid so much in advance, this is still not your fault, anymore than someone who forgets to lock a window is "responsible" for having their house broken into. You made yourself more vulnerable to such an occurrence, but you are not, as they say, "the baddie" here, nor are you to "blame" for what happened. It's possible that your landlord may themselves be the victim of something that has caused this -- an illness, a death, or whatever. But in any case, what happened is not your fault, even if the magnitude of the consequences are the result of being too trusting. But then, I don't see being trusting as a "fault."

    And for that reason, I'm very sorry: you have my sympathies.

    Thank you very much. It wasn't a lot of Lindens but it just ticked me off. And knowing I wasn't the only one and that there is no recourse (inside SL) doesn't make me feel any better at all. I always try to treat people how I want to be treated. And if something happened - then I would tell them. You're absolutely right, STUFF HAPPENS. But be up front about it. 

    • Like 5
  4. 13 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

    I wouldn't pay any rental company a whole year in advance though. Even otherwise good companies can have issues, as they're often run by one person and something bad could happen to them.

    Well I had been with them over a year. Never any problems other than rolling reboots. And they always responded to questions, requests, comments...

    I do agree with you, it just was something I didn't want to have to worry about. Stupid I guess...

    • Like 1
  5. [A landlord has] just shut down access to a bunch of users who had rental property with them. 

    I don't why they did this, they are not answering the group chat and the one person I had known to talk to has not answered back. I put a ticket in with Lindens and they acknowledged that public access has been shut off but that is entirely up to their (the owners) discretion. 

    I paid my rent up a year in advance. This really sucks. And this all started yesterday, December 25th. Merry Christmas. 

  6. I'm not even going to tell you how old. But old. They are i5 processors and they have 8GB and SSD's. That was the least I could do - oh and they are laptops. Laptops are much better for my "friends". I mean if I could afford it I would buy some lower end gaming laptops if I could but I can't. 

    So the best news is that Catznip works. When you install there is a Intel Legacy mode - and that works just fine and in 64 bit mode. What's nice is, although it's slow, you can move and function better as things finish filling in their detail. 

    No, this is not ideal. I know that but this was the best I could do for them at this time. And it's way better than what they have - trust me. 

    Thanks for the help. I really do appreciate it. 

    • Like 2
  7. I am trying to setup a couple of older laptops for some people who don't have the money to buy anything better. They are in a different country and technology is either nonexistent or very costly. 

    Is there any viewer that will run on old hardware. Yes, I realize they won't "see" everything we see but if they could move around and go to events, even without seeing all the detail that would be fantastic. I've tried older viewers but most of them are as buggy as all get out. No, these laptops don't have great video. No, I can't go out and buy anything better for them (of course is someone wants to donate a couple...).

    Just looking for the lowest tech solution I can find. Trying to help a couple of people out. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    If she does not have access to the email address of record, things get complicated. She must have a working email address on record with the Lab. They will ONLY send info to that address. Requests to send to any other address will be looked at as a possible attempt to steal the account.

    IF it is no longer possible to access that email then contact the Lab and get the list of hoops to be jumped through to reclaim the account.

    If the address is working and they have access, just do the forgot password process.

    Thanks a lot. She has gotten to it yet. I'm trying to help her. I appreciate the input.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    even the normal login portal would guide you the way to go.. simply click "forgot your login information" and you get advice

    We do have a bit of a language barrier.... I will try to explain this to her. So you think it will give a chance to change the email address? Thanks. 

  10. I have a friend who wants to get back into an old account. I didn't ask but I'm assuming it was a free account. She knows the account name and the email address she registered it with - but has long forgotten the passwords.

    Is there anyway to recover this? And if so who should she contact? She speaks Spanish only... or has to use Google translate.

    Thanks in advance.

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