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  1. Apologies for necro-ing this thread, but I went on a quest to find the crux last year, and this is one of the threads I referenced heavily. I thought I would pay it forward and tell everyone what I found out, especially for those who might be hunting for it in the future. Couple disclaimers: the creator of the original Mutation Industries Crux (now known online as Etcher) has officially given blessing to the 'free' tentacle vendors. Allegedly, they were the one who originally placed them. That being said, Cerberus has received blessing to remake the Crux entirely as a mesh/bento avatar, and that version is available on the marketplace. Here are links to all three fatpacks. (Viridescent, Ultramarine, Vermillion) The best location I would recommend anyone look is the Crux Dark Citadel and its adjacent sim, Whimsy Woods. Both sims are owned and created for vintage crux owners, and I know for sure that Whimsy Woods has a tentacle vendor on-property. There is another vendor on the Furry Fashion sim, shaped like a potion bottle, in a little hut reserved for free content. If all three of these options fail, the folks at the Dark Citadel have a much more encyclopedic knowledge of vendor locations than I do. A former vendor used to be located at the Lab Rats main store on the Furry Fashion sim, but the store has since been closed, or changed locations. If you can find it inworld at any point in the future, a vendor may be there. (Futureproofing Addendum: if at any point the names and locations of these sims change, the current manager of the dark citadel is Lazew Diu Chaos. If you cannot find the Dark Citadel or the Woods, but can locate a crux sim that he still manages, it's likely that it's the same sim.)
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