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Jack Rowley

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Everything posted by Jack Rowley

  1. I keep losing all my heckin' shapes!!! T~T I logged out and logged back in and it did it again. I had made this new shape and it got lost again. I might have to just manually write down all the numbers but heck, I don't really want to.
  2. I live in Australia so yeah, the ping would be quite high. I don't really know how long I am supposed to wait but I will keep it in my not-so-secret stash
  3. So what happened was.... I crashed, hard, really hard like my whole PC just when nah man we got to restart everything. THEN I logged back on but to find myself as a cloud of love and sunshine. I thought to myself, hold on a sec I had a mesh body! I checked my saved outfit and my shape wasn't on! I tried to add it back because as tempting as it is being a cloud, with the perks of it and all, I spent a lot of time on my shape and preferred that instead! However, to my surprise, there was an error message saying it wasn't found in the database. I never deleted my amazing god-tier shape, how can this be?
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