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Hexadeci Mole

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  1. For anyone interested, here is the wiki page for the unicode display system: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HexText
  2. 114 textures, 512 x 256 each covering about 28,000 characters. Sounds like a huge GPU memory hog, but it takes 8 of these to equal a single 1024 * 1024 texture. Unless it is displaying a full range of Kanji, it will rarely go over about 16 or so. People have been pretty predictable about which unicode characters they use for enhancing display names. Displaying pure ASCII, it uses far less GPU memory.
  3. Getting there.... took forever to figure out the FURWARE face offsets. Gotta throw on the MIT license n stuff. Here is an example video of HexText rendering Unicode: https://gyazo.com/f34f7951a2f79fd0363a3539e7fdbbf2 (Gyazo capture is blurry compared to in-world.)
  4. I'm working on getting HexText on the wiki. Might be a day or two. HexText can display Unicode characters on 8 face prims. It handles Japanese/Chinese, and many other languages as well as many symbols. I'm not a fan of unicode characters in Display names, but it can deal with that. It was built for in-world displays in a variety of languages. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HexText Of particular note: Strife had long ago contributed a function to obtain the numerical value of a string containing unicode characters (up to 0xFFFF.) http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/UTF-8
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