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Ryley Nova

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  1. Doubled my framerate in high density areas bye moving from AMD to Nvidia card due to better optimized open-gl drivers. I noticed a significant increase as well when upgrading my CPU. I think as long as you have a certain level of GPU then the bottle neck will always be CPU with secondlife. And even then, script heavy areas like rp sims with HUDs are going to suck regardless.
  2. Here are a couple of my own examples. The intel/nvidia system is a laptop with H10875 cpu and Nvidia 2080 Super Max-q. The AMD system is a desktop 3700x with 5700xt. Both systems running latest Windows 10, Firestorm viewer on both, ultra settings except with draw distance set to 128 and resolution at 1440p. These systems are fairly evenly matched in normal DX11/12 games. Note on the GPU telemetry on both. On the AMD system the card is only boosting to 800Mhz (it easy boosts to 2000Mhz), while on the Intel system you see a normal boost clock. The AMD GPU is being starved and its not because the CPU is pegged either. It's the drivers.
  3. AMD opengl drivers are so horribly optimized, you will see about a 35% decrease in SL performance for any given scene compared to an equivent Nvidia card. I have both a gtx2070 and a 5700xt which are pretty neck and neck hardware wise with DX11/12 games, and can do direct comparisons with identical settings. Also to my eye, the nvidia gpu/driver renders scenes that imo look much more realistic and detailed given identical settings.
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