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Posts posted by nayeonwaitingfor

  1. I feel like it is not so much expensive as it is very easy to overdo things. Especially for human avatars who have a wide selection of just about everything. It would be easy to get in over your head pretty quickly and make Second Life.  I know a few people in-world who have no self control and will buy any and everything and then complain about how they are RL broke for the week. Don't do that, folks. 

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  2. Cool topic. In real life I love ink, I have 9. (I actually had to take a moment to count them to make sure that was right). 

    On Second Life, since I don't play as a human, I have none. Though I imagine if I did play as a human I'd have far more than I do in real life and some of them I could easily emulate as I've seen somewhat similar designs for a couple of them on MP when I was just boredom browsing. 

    edit: I mean I have a human avatar, but it's not customizable. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

    I think Second Life helped me learn more about people (even though I still have much to learn I admit.) It helped remove some of my preconceived notions about different kinds of people.

    I know what you mean. You always intellectually know the world is full of a ton of different kind of people but you rarely are so blatantly confronted with this fact as you are on Second Life. If you let it Second Life can definitely teach you to have more tolerance. 

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  4. Depression and anxiety is far from uncommon and I wanted to start a genuine discussion on if Second Life has helped you. This is a praise/talk about the good things Second Life has done for you. 


    Personally, Second Life has been invaluable for my healing. Long story short, in 2018 my mother died expectantly. She was young. In 2019 my 11 year old dog died after a brief battle with cancer. And in 2020 my 20 year old cat passed away of old age. Basically, these past three years have been one gigantic punch after another and they all hurt in different ways (though of course my mother's passing is the deepest but that doesn't lessen the pain I feel for my pets, either). I got super depressed, which is something I've never really struggled with before, and in truth there's still days where I don't want to leave the bed. Yet I feel like Second Life has helped me more than I can adequately describe but I'll try. 


    Of course there are ton of awful people here, just like in the real world, but I've also met some incredible people here. Ones who make me smile, ones who remind me there's still things to be happy and grateful for, and one in particular who picked me up out of the dirt when I was at my utter lowest. That person recently left SL due to RL issues, and though I told her this before she said her goodbyes in-world I want to say it here as well: Thank you. Thank all of you to who seem to go out of their way to make Second Life a positive, helpful place. A lot of people tend to either forget or purposely ignore the fact every avatar is an actual person with their own life and hardships going on when it is convenient for them, but then there are those who treat people just as they'd wish to be treated. It means a lot to me seeing as I honestly have lost touch with nearly all of my RL friends and my family is extraordinarily small. 


    I'm sorry if my entry was sappy but I wanted to share and I hope you also share the positive ways Seconds Life has helped you deal with whatever you've got going on. There's so much negativity in the world that sometimes we need a little unrestrained positivity and a moment to feel grateful for all blessings in our lives, large and small. 

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