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Freyja Vanlager

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Everything posted by Freyja Vanlager

  1. Hello everyone. Walking around SL I usually see plots next to roads that have elements that join the plot with LL roads. These elements occupy part of the road terrain (the edges) and eventually merge with the asphalt of the road. As much as I try on my plot, when I place any element that occupies part of the road it is returned. Could you explain to me how to get it? Thank you.
  2. After this discussion revival I understand that the main problem is not that people decided to stop maintaining their info webs but LL has stopped showing the data. I agree with you. This data, even if they show that SL is not in its best moment, should be public. Anyway, thanks a lot for all your answers. I'll try to collect all the data I need with the tools available and some in game research.
  3. I'm afraid you are not understanding what I'm asking for. I'm not worried about the L$ vs US$ exchange or about the finnancial healthy of LL. What I need is economical information about resident daily spending, average prices paid per square meter, and other economical stats.
  4. Maybe you are right, but one of the first things I learnt of using a forum is that you should look for old answers before asking a new question. In this case, there are answers to my question but they are from 2012 so it could be a good idea to use this topic to ask for updated answers instead of start a new one.
  5. As I wrote in my first post here, I have some projects in mind (I'm sorry but I'm not going to make them public now 🤑) and it would be useful for me to have access to updated economical info. I'm not interested in the accounting of LL but the global economic health of SL "in game".
  6. I read your blog, Daniel, and your info is very useful at the general level, thanks, but I'm looking for deeper analysis the way gridsurvey did in the past.
  7. I think there is up to date info about gird status and connections but what is related to economy is outdated. It was the best economic tool when I left SL.
  8. I thought that we could use this old post instead of write another new one because there was a lot of outdated information on this post and it could be a good way to actualize it. Anyway, if the moderators consider this is not correct I have no problem starting a new one.
  9. I've been doing some Google research looking for SL statistics, but there is few information and the one provided is outdated. You can ge some info here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Live_Data_Feeds but I miss some data offered in the past by http://gridsurvey.com/index.php related to "Total square meters sold by residents" or "Average L$ paid per square meter". I dont know why this information is not publicly available from Linden as it was years ago. I'm returning SL from a long stop with some projects in mind and I'd like to get as more information as possible about SL economy.
  10. Hi, I'd like to reactivate this topic because no one of the provided links are today offering updated economical stats. Do you know if there is any other user or website providing economical info of SL? Thanks a lot.
  11. Hi Aimee and Yosho, I am partly in a situation similar to yours. I was in SL many years ago, from 2006 to 2011, and then for one reason or another I left it until I canceled my account. A year ago I decided to go back to see how SL had changed and I'm active again. I feel sad to see that SL has lost a lot of activity, there are far fewer people online and most of the groups that I look for with similar interests are offline. Only sex maintains a high level of activity and this is something that, of course, is not bad 😉 but it is only a part of the whole SL. I see SL is a continuous role-playing game, I am not here to make SL an extension of my real life, but to live a parallel and totally disconnected life. I'd like to expand my contacts to explore what SL can offer. I'm curious and explorer, I'm interested in business in SL, creating, writing, ... and of course having fun. I'd also like to participate in some historical RP, other than GOR (which apparently is the only RP that is still alive). If you want us to meet in game, send me a message and we can take a beer together to chat. Anyone who finds what I am saying interesting, and who is not here to get sex on cam or real dates, can write me a message and meet us. I speak Spanish natively so Spanish speakers are of course welcome too.
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