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Freyja Vanlager

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Everything posted by Freyja Vanlager

  1. Well, everybody can read. The explanation is "we spent tons of money and we have 3.25 regions so more or less we can do whatever we want". Even hide the sun forever to neighboring plots and build on top of Route 7. Apparently money gives the power to do whatever they want. But no, we will fight everything necessary and we will take the case to LL to see the sun on our plots again.
  2. During last days residents of the northern area of Gaeta V watch with horror how this monstrosity rises up, hiding the sun and spoiling the environment. They have built a flying airport that extends above Route 7 even occupying areas of neighboring parcels using the "attach objects to their parcel" technique. The saddest thing is that one of those responsible for this attack against the environment (perhaps even against the rules of SL) is the ambassador of Belliseria in Gaeta. (Edited the name because someone tell me that I can't write names in the forum. ) We believe that it is disrespectful from the BBB to send us a diplomat who destroys our land. We'd like to know if there is something we can do to recover the beauty our land and to ask the owners to rebuild their airport in order to be integrated in the environment and not the way this is today.
  3. Well, It seems like everything has been solved. Thanks to everyone of you I have been able to test and learn more about my avatar, specially that "old" things does not work very well with new ones 😉 But learning is at the end an important part of what we do here. My old skin was not working really. I thought it was working because it was in my "wearing" suit of things but it was no more than a silly object with this body and the skin I was using really was one of the "colours" of the Maitreya HUD. I dont know if this topic can be closed, but from my side I have no more to comment. Once again, thanks a lot for you support.
  4. Yes, I should tell which is the body I use. Thanks. It's Maitreya Lara. I have to tell that I'm able now to eliminate the DEMO skin by choosing a color from the Maitreya HUD. Ok, its better to have a standard skin than a DEMO one, but I'm still unable to use my previous one.
  5. Of course I have an outfit called "base nude". I learnt it making mistakes 😉 The problem is that now, with ALL my outfits including the "base nude" is the new demo skin. No matter the saved outfit I choose, the skin is always the DEMO one.
  6. I think the problem is that my OLD skin was not the same system than the demo one. I'm not so proficient on the avatar building, but I think you are right. My problem is that I cant just remove the demo layer but to substitute with another one. Thanks a lot.
  7. Hi, I need your help with this dramatic matter right now. This afternoon I've been trying to do some test for new skins. My problem comes when I try to take off the demo skin and it is impossible. I mean, when I take off the skin it doesnt works. It doesnt appear in "wearing" but the skin and the demo label are on my body. I even delete all the folders of the manufacturer but it is still impossible. Please, can anybody give me some advice on how to solve it? Thanks in advance
  8. Hola a tod@s, me gustaría saber de la existencia de revistas o magazines para la comunidad de habla hispana de Second Life. Conozco AMM Life & Style (que ha dejado de publicar hace poco) y SL Confidencial que sigue en activo. ¿Sabéis de la existencia de algún otro proyecto similar? Gracias.
  9. Ok, I understand. I really dont want to show videos 24/7 but to show specific videos for specific events the same that a DJ do with music. So probably the mechanic should be the same. Youtube was only an example on the beggining, since I understood that I had to use my own video server, I dont need youtube directly since I can get the videos by other sources. Thanks a lot.
  10. The music is no "really" live since someone put music files to share in streaming. I dont know why it's different if someone share video files instead of music ones.
  11. Why video has a different behaviour than other media like music? When you go to a club with live DJs or to a land with a radio, you dont start listening from the beggining of the session.
  12. If finally I have to use an own web video server, I dont need to embebe youtube. I can show my own videos and avoid the add problem.
  13. Ok, first of all the "parcel media" solves immediately my first problem: to control what is shown and not to allow everybody choose what to see. Now, and specifically for Youtube videos, we have to handle the problem of adds like Istelathis suggests. Anyway it's a very good starting. Probably the solution proposed by Mollymews the best one for a total control, and specially thinking not only in youtube videos but in some other kind of media. Now that I know the parcel media use, a wider range of possibilities are open. Thanks a lot for your help.
  14. Thanks for you answer. I hope someone could know a different way 😉
  15. Hi, I come here withe a new question looking for your help. I'm building an auditorium with a screen where to show videos (youtube or other source) and my problem is that nobody see what I'm choosing and instead of this everybody can choose what to see. Is there any way to fix what is shown in a screen so the owner of the parcel is the only one to control de screen? Thanks in advance.
  16. It's ok working the way you explained me. Linked to a prim inside my parce, so its already solved. Thanks again to everybody for the help.
  17. Hi, I need to sell this good location. It's roadside protected with Circuit la Corse and buildings are included in the sale. I started to build an industrial park with hangars for rent but now I'm focused in other projects. I`m open to serious negotiations. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banyan/161/54/92
  18. I forgot to write that you can contact me from here or with an IM or a Notecard online.
  19. I am selling two very interesting plots with a good discount. I have the opportunity to buy next to a building that I am building and I need to sell first due to my tier land. - The first plot is a 1024 square meter with access to a protected waterway. It is located south of Heterocera, very close to the access channel to Sansara. It has direct access to the channel as well as to the South Heterocera seas. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Euryalus/186/216 - The second one, located in Corsica, has 3,072 square meters and access to the Circuit la Corse. On this plot I have begun to build an industrial park with hangars and parking that would be sold included in the price. It is a plot in a neighborhood with other industrial facilities and is a place with great potential. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banyan/146/96 You can take a look and propose an offer. I am open to negotiate reasonably.
  20. Thanks a lot, I've done what some of you suggest, link the "invader" prim to a one rooted on my plot and it seems working. At least it has not be returned in the last two hours. 😉 I really appreciate your support. Thanks again.
  21. Maybe I was not able to explain myself properly. What I'm asking is how to get what is shown in this picture. How to build an entrance to my plot directly from the road.
  22. So you mean that if I set some prim invading part of Linden Road plot, but linked (an rooted) to another prim located totally in my plot it will work. Thanks, I'll try it.
  23. Thanks for the answer. maybe the solution is to ask LL. There is no matter of buying land, because the land limiting with my plot is Road Protected Land, so there is no land in between to buy. The matter is to build a acess from my plot to the road, and to do it I have necessarily to put some element occupying part of LL land. It really can be done, because I see it in many places of mainland. Probably what I have to do is ask directly to the support how do do it. Anyway, thanks for you help.
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