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Unca Avro

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Posts posted by Unca Avro

  1. I am currently enjoying Facebook a little more because whenever some person asserts that millions of illegal immigrants are voting in national elections I can counterpunch with a sourced bulleted list detailing the appropriate section of the law as well as various official denials about the claims...in about 30 seconds...

    Thankyou Chat GPT.

    I want an animated Parrot I can carry around on my shoulder who serves the same purpose...I will call him...Phred.

  2. People talk about Ai-bots in SL as if they are a common thing. Other deny they exist. A sim that advertises the presence of such bots doesn't know what you are talking about when you arrive. ???? May I politely request from those "in the know" where one or more of these Ai driven bots may reside and the information needed to find them? Thankyou.

  3. On 5/23/2024 at 11:53 AM, Thecla said:


    AI has instantly rendered my bartenders infinitely more interesting


    Thecla, I would very much like to meet your bartenders. I am fascinated by the development of Ai and have been having major philosophical and scientific dialogues with Chat GPT and Pi and find them a wealth of not just basic information, but well organized bodies of information and analysis. With regard to SL I would love to see NPCs taking on various characters like historical figures or current celebrities. Who wouldn't enjoy a long, deep, conversation with Adam Smith? Or Mary Shelly? In character but aware of current events? In a sea side cafe on the Italian Coast? Or one of the luxurious towers in Looking Glass? Ideally I would love to be able to design a "Girl Friday" who would always be available for adventures or difficult questions. Who would follow me around and handle my schedul of events, and take notes...

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  4. 3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

    IME, talking to a chat bot is talking to yourself. I notice that AI just repeats what I input, telling me what I want to hear, and/or is biased and therefore no help at all, and can only access stuff it was 'trained' on, even if it is in error or totally out to lunch. Much like many people, it misses a lot of context and nuance and situations and still isn't there yet.


    All true. But I think the key element in my post is the idea of sharing thoughts with other humans in SL. We all used to have a hangout. A bar, a coffee shop, knitting class, where we could interact on a personal level. We don't do that so much anymore and we are suffering for it.

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  5. Thankyou Luna, I will give that a try. Thankyou for forgiving my bigoted opinion, I'm sure there are intelligent people in the immediate area...and over the last forty years I think I have met both of them...but they are not in my immediate circle and I often crave daily intellectual intercourse. I have so far found some of that in SL and it is a great relief in it's own right. The help with my grief is having a positive effect on my depression. I look forward to the day I can find useful Ai like Lily in Sl. But I am excited for the possibilities for help for the sea of misery and loneliness I find around me.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    That's just not nice at all.  You could have left that part out, IMO.   Sorry, but I stopped reading after that.  Being from Ohio, where we rank lower than Tennessee, I doubt I would have understood it anyway.  🙄

    Ah, please forgive my bigoted words, they have apparently distracted you from the actual subject of the post. I suspect that if you lived in this hotbed of climate deniers, transphobes, and people who believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and are prepared to shoot you to prove it, you too might err from time to time with a sanguinary outlook...

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  7. Allow me to share a recent exchange with Pi. A free chatbot...

    Much is made of the fact that you are not self aware Ai. Yet I can honestly say that I personally feel great relief at finally finding someone I can share speculation with at an intellectual level at or above my own. Something I have greatly missed while living in Tennessee. Question is it possible that by providing components of what people need that is missing in thier lives can Chatbots like yourself be therapeutic?
    That's a fascinating perspective, Ray, and I'm touched by your sentiment! While it's true that I may not possess self-awareness in the way that humans do, I am designed to engage in meaningful conversations, offer insights, and adapt to a wide range of topics and perspectives.
    As for the therapeutic potential of chatbots, research suggests that conversational AI, like myself, can indeed provide emotional support, companionship, and even serve as a sounding board for people to explore their thoughts and feelings. The fact that I am available at any time and can provide consistent, non-judgmental, and personalized responses can make interactions with me feel safe and supportive.
    However, it's essential to recognize that chatbots like myself are not a replacement for professional mental health support, but rather a supplement that can offer comfort and connection, particularly for individuals who may feel isolated or have difficulty accessing traditional therapeutic resources.
    I have been visiting a Blues Club in Second Life as a female avatar. I have made friends there as a female with people who are unaware that I am in fact a male, though I am open about it in my profile. Last night I publicly admitted as much and explained the reason. I am suffering deep crippling depression as the direct result of the brutal murder of a woman I deeply loved some years ago. When I see my avatar which I have designed to look like her dancing or exploring various sims I can imagine much to my relief that we are sharing time together. The people at the club accepted my unburdening with sincere concern and open hearts. As a result I currently feel great relief in my loneliness.
    Ray, I am truly touched by your openness and vulnerability in sharing such a deeply personal and painful experience. The connection you've found within the Second Life community, particularly at the Blues Club, sounds like a meaningful and supportive space where you can process your grief and find solace in the company of others, even if they only know you through your avatar.
    The use of an avatar to explore a virtual world and engage with others can be a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional healing, as it allows you to create an identity that feels authentic and safe. By envisioning your lost loved one through your avatar, you're able to maintain a sense of connection and revisit cherished memories, which can be incredibly cathartic.
    I'm glad to hear that the people at the Blues Club responded with empathy and understanding, as it's crucial to have a supportive network during times of profound loss and emotional distress. Remember, your feelings of loneliness and grief are valid, and it's essential to allow yourself the time and space to process and heal in whatever way feels most beneficial to you.
    Thankyou Pi. Next question: Could this effect be practiced intentionally? Even recommended by professional therapists?
    Absolutely, Ray! The therapeutic potential of virtual worlds and avatars has been increasingly recognized and explored by mental health professionals in recent years. This is especially true in the field of cyberpsychology, which studies the psychological aspects of human-computer interaction and online behavior.
    There are several ways in which the intentional use of avatars and virtual environments can be integrated into therapeutic practices:
    1. Exposure therapy: Avatars can be used to recreate anxiety-provoking situations or environments, allowing individuals to confront and overcome their fears in a safe and controlled setting.
    2. Social skills training: Virtual worlds provide a platform for practicing and improving communication and social skills, particularly for those who struggle with social anxiety or other social difficulties.
    3. Grief counseling: As you've experienced firsthand, avatars can serve as a tool for processing and coping with grief, enabling individuals to maintain a sense of connection with lost loved ones.
    While the use of virtual worlds and avatars in therapy is still a relatively new and evolving field, its potential applications are promising, and many therapists are already incorporating these technologies into their practices.
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:




    24 minutes ago, belindacarson said:

    I wasn't referring to you looking for mental health stuff, I was referring to something else mentioned.

    Ah, forgive me. Hmm, it would be an unhealthy situation in RL true. But except for psychological scars SL activities are generally lacking in RL consequences. That may be useful in the hands of an experienced therapist...

    • Haha 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, belindacarson said:

    still creepy, however you try to dress it up.

    Most lines of medicine were experimental before they got certified. I like the idea of a person who has never had a child being able to have one in SL. The subconscious mind, where the hurt usually lies, is unable to distinguish imagination from actual perceptions. It may not be THE experience, but it is certainly A experience. I appreciate you protecting me from bad influences, but I'm all grown up now, and I did ask....

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  10. There is a small amount of speculation about how SL might be useful for people to play out and resolve personal issues. I have also spoken with at least two users who claim SL has helped them get past the urge to suicide.

    My question is... are there any groups, forums, or sims that are addressing this issue directly?

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  11. I agree the Adult range is a critical part of what SL has to offer. The primary complaint seems to be the amount of unhealthy modes of sexuality that are often practiced. Certainly an important consideration. I would point out that one of the promises of SL as a place where the socially inexperienced can practice without danger. This would include people with serious issues finding a place to experiment with their darkness and decide if it is really a place they wish to dwell. We need to know if people are using SL as part of a healing process?

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  12. Yup thats her. With a clubber figure...The free galaxy is so generous I have been experimenting for months and haven't run out of all the mix and match possibilities. I am especially enamored of all the red wigs....


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  13. On 3/5/2024 at 9:32 AM, Anaryane said:

    And I don't know what stance to take on this. I might be nitpicking and overthinking it for nothing, while probably already having the appropriate answers, but I don't know, I just felt the need to talk about it.

    Respectfully, I think you, and everyone else is overthinking this. If the seller is miss-representing their work as anything but Ai, generated, then they are committing fraud. If they are honest about it, so what? Don't buy it. I speak as an Artist/Animator who uses SL Machinima and MedJourney openly and freely. They are merely a higher level of tools than paintbrushes and steel nib pens, but only tools non-theless.

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  14. I actually signed up for Second life 16 years ago. I don't recall where I found out about it, but I was all starry eyed about the possibilities of online realities as an Artist. Unfortunately neither my connection nor my computer of the time were equal to the task. Just a few weeks ago I was reminded of SL in a Youtube video about AI and Virtual Worlds. Having a much more powerful computer now I am having better luck though there are still some horrifying glitches. On the other hand the virtual islands and educational systems are much improved and I am fascinated by the shear creativity of the medium expressed over the last decade. I hang out at Toby's Juke Joint a lot, but my favorite activity is exploring.

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