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Fantome Starlight

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Posts posted by Fantome Starlight

  1. Thank you for your interest in The Midnight Society, one of the more unique RP sims around. We are hiring at the burlesque lounge and restaurant that is the hub of activity for the RP sim as a whole. Here, we offer daily shows of a wide variety of burlesque style dances, that are roleplayed by our talented actors. This job does require top-notch roleplay services - to be offered to yes, even the most unaware or new of RPers at times. What we hope to grow here is a lush roleplay rich environment. So why do you find yourself being hired for real L? Well, ladies, gents, and all the rest of you those pump strutting naughty no goods. You like a job that pays for you, being you, being sexy. Don't we all? The restaurant is open, for now, only during shows. You must have a restaurant worker and an actor to be able to work, but as long as you have both - you work whenever you want!

    Shows are events. The acts (max is three on stage by special request) make a series of themed routines and outfits. Finished by a catwalk, thanking any notable customers. 

    All the while? We offer a friendly, posh dining experience. Cigars, champagne, and my friend.. wine. is never -just- wine. So are you up to the challenge?

    We welcome people who are willing to play multiple roles!

    ◄[  W H A T  W E  O F F E R ]►

    → Hiring! Quality not Quantity
    → Friendly environment. :3
    → A Unique and Classy Feeling RP Sim.
    → A place for freelance escorts and other deviant treasures to gather.
    → Regular burlesque events and shows.
    → Not an exclusive club!
    → Be you. Own it. Love it. Make it your own. Create yourself! (I seek partners in RP that desire a place to showcase their abilities without giving it all away! If this speaks to you - do yourself a favor and apply today!
    → You must have a sexy and classy image - But I have a pretty wild imagination when judging this, so throw me a challenge? Any species!
    → All staff must measure at least 5 feet and 9 inches (without shoes) to work on stage.
    → You must be fluent in English - NO TRANSLATORS ALLOWED!
    → You must be able to text emote and para rp.
    → You must be over 18 in RL   
    → Once hired you will have the OPTIONAL ability to rent a board from the club. (We view this as a rp sim first and a business second. Everything is balanced so that it pays for it self, nothing more, nothing less.)
    → You must be able to work minimum 5 hours / week in the club
    → We'll hire you no matter where else you work! Hours are hours!
    → No empty profiles.
    → Escort and other deviants do so off property. You are considered freelance. For all intents and purposes, we keep this 'prude' on sim.

    ◄[  P R I C E S ]►
    Actresses and Actors make 85% of their tips +50L with every plate wrung up by a waitress and the ability to rent an adboard as a freelance worker of whatever deviance you choose.
    Waitors and Waitresses make 85% of their tips +50L with a plate wrung up by a manager and the ability to rent an adboard.
    DJs make 100% of their tips and 20 L per plate wrung up by a waitress or manager, the ability to setup an adboard.
    Bartenders 90% of their tips and .20L per plate wrung up by a waitress or a manager, the ability to setup an adboard.
    Managers 100L per plate you ring up or agreed upon service you provide, the ability to set up an adboard.

    → Deviance Board prices - you can charge as much as you want

  2. I'm opening a restaurant and burlesque lounge! It is an rp sim.. but I'll need waitresses! Leave a notecard at Fantome.Starlight with the following info!

    -At least one shot of yourself in what you feel would be appropriate attire for job. It does not need to be professional. Just something to introduce me to the you, you wish to present.

    -Your contact information.

    -A short fictitious sample of yourself performing your duties.

    -Any other resume qualities you wish to provide.

  3. Hello! My name is Solace. I am looking for work! I am very active, on almost all day every day. I have experience working as a Voice Escort. I tutor high school subjects IRL. I have a BA in English. I would like to get my start DJing - I already have Mixxx, a stream, and music library, as well as the ability to play requests and voice. I do not mix. I am also skilled at character design. You can contact me directly in world or leave a message here. I am looking for reliable pay in Lindens only.

    Sincerely, Fantome.Starlight

  4. Hello! I am looking for a special gift to myself for my birthday which is September 13th. I am willing to negotiate prices for this to be done with high quality and to my specifications. Read no further if you are adverse to piercings.


    Bell Dancing - attaching bells or other noise making items to the skin with the use of temporary piercing or sutures. Once attached the person begins moving to cause them to sound.


    This is what I want.

    Separate pieces for bra, panties, and corset. All with sheer/lace qualities.

    A range of body piercings with bells. I want to have a few tasteful bells for when I'm dancing on stage and a full naked option for when I get such requested.

    Bell chiming sounds that play with my movement.

    A few accessories - creator's whim here.


    The look should be a gypsy feel. The inclusions of roses, and more bells on the outfit is welcome.


    I use Legacy Pregnant Body and Maitreya Lara Body. Catwa Susan and Lelutka Piper.

    It MUST fit at least either the legacy/catwa or the maitreya/catwa, if it's compatible with all I'll add you as a recommend permanently to my profile.

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