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  1. Hello today I noticed sl has started to totally tank in the frames I get. I cannot get above 5/10 frames anywhere, and before i was getting 40+ on firestorm in most areas. My system Ryzen 5 3600 Radeon 5700xt 32gb 3200 ram I have not made any changes to my system or settings. I have no performance issues in any other games. When logging in today i noticed how crappy it was running, ive tried literally everything at this point. Ive DDU reinstalled all my viewers etc Please help! I have heard amd cards dont work well with the sl because of open gl but as of today it is almost unplayable.
  2. I have tried all the trouble shooting imaginable. Here is a pictures of the setting I am using. https://imgur.com/a/w0eBPUt The first picture is with all the SL settings maxed out. The second is the lower more performance setting I use. I was in a sim with around 25-30 people in a group. The first setting (Max) I was getting 25-30 which is totally fine, the second (lower) setting I get 60+ These numbers are not obtainable in firestorm for me, the best Performance is Alchemy by far. Black dragon gets second on my system. I have found that yes Alchemy does have a significant performance boost with this type of system.
  3. Hello I recently got back into SL. I was looking for feedback from AMD system users on what viewer gives them the best performance/least lag/most fps. I have used firestorm, and I find regardless of how I tweak the setting i get a way less smoother performance that when I use alchemy, I know this is not a super high fps game, but for example i will be getting 25-30 on firestorm and 45-50 on Alchemy in the same place. I like the stability of firestorm but I really prefer the smoothest game play possible. My system: Ryzen 3600 5700XT 16GB RAM (3600) I can get much better looking game play and fps on alchemy I am not sure why this is. I heard that this game likes NVIDIA cards more idk. If anyone has a similar system please let me know what you are using, and how your performance is. Thank you very much for any help!
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