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Jade Atheria

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Everything posted by Jade Atheria

  1. You haven't been forgotten! I will be online for a while today. I've had two reach out and I like the work of both of you. I may Have a couple done by each for something different. Please reach out again and let me know around what time you are logged in. I am SLT time and am emailed messages.
  2. You haven't been forgotten! I will be online for a while today. I've had two reach out and I like the work of both of you. I may Have a couple done by each for something different. Please reach out again and let me know around what time you are logged in. I am SLT time and am emailed messages.
  3. My revamped ava needs images for her profile, and a few for fun. Please reply here or contact in world. Looking for PG and R rated. Nothing crude. No real time limit, but sooner is better as I would like to have set up before I join a sim. Please include links to your work. Thanks!
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