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Ayashe Ninetails

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Posts posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:



    Not gonna lie - I'm surprised that was even a story. LI is absolutely known for it's bizarrely lax rules on this stuff. People driving around with 40 license suspensions and whatnot. This is just another day that ends in "y." The real news is he didn't manage to kill anyone, thank goodness, unlike all the others. Pfft. Peeve.


  2. 20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    So help me god, if you've just jinxed them, I will never forgive you!


    I dunno about Keanu, but John Cena has a whole song, so he's locked in. No way can he turn bad now.

    Did you know he's got a huge fan base in South Africa? I had no idea. 😂

    Peeve in advance: I swear if you can't see this video, or this one here of him surprising Sho on Kelly Clarkson, I'm throwing a shoe at YouTube...

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Do other games have the combination of "In World" Group options that SL has?

    - Group Messages (I think most people love to hate these)

    - Group Rights (Shared land ownership, Rez / Entry rights, Object ownership, etc.)

    - Group invitation / join options

    - Group "Tags"

    - Group "Discounts" for purchasing

    - Groups for Support 


    Messages - yes

    Group Rights - yes (for land, houses, NPC access, bank access, etc.)

    Group Invitation/Join/Recruitment - yes

    Group Tags - yes (they show under your character name, usually)

    Group Discounts - yes (usually in a Guild Store)

    Support - yes


    Most large MMOs and games call them Guilds or Communities. FFXIV uses the term Free Companies. Other common terms - Clan, Faction, Squad.

    Other common features - guild-only missions and events (in-game events that can only be triggered by a guild leader for his or her guild members to participate in themselves), special guild titles, guild roles/access lists for guild roster management and bank/storage access, the ability to build/purchase guild halls/estates/homes, special bonuses and rewards (buffs, increased experience, etc.), worn items like tabards or a guild crest to wear on clothing/gear, access to special crafting equipment, access to special guild traders, ability to claim territory for the guild, ability to form alliances with other guilds, access to special mounts (vehicles, basically), etc.

    What's available highly depends on the game and the genre, but yeah. Very common feature in most multiplayer spaces.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Yeah. I'm really pissed off. I teach critical thinking, and her stance exemplifies why it's important. I wish she were better at articulating it, but as I say she's young.

    The response to her is why, if anyone cares, young people are so utterly disenfranchised from and disenchanted with establishment politics.

    I had to take a minute to go find her statement before I commented. Lol, that's what people are angry about, really? That's been my exact take for the last 15-20 years. Guess I gotta go make a damn Tikky Tak so everyone can get mad at me, too. 😂

    Honestly, if I were giving her advice, I'd tell her to log out and go chill and play Minecraft or something. We're talking about a broken platform where people fly into a heated rage just because their favorite franchise makes a new film or game with a female lead. Pfft. Not worth reading that mess on her part.


    11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I've got more than enough P. Diddy crap on my timeline to make up for it. Ick.

    Lawl. There are occasionally some fun hashtags but yeah, that wasn't one of them. Neither was Dave Grohl. Oh boy. They all need to go play Minecraft and stop tweeting/talking/posting/getting into trouble so much.


    *Don't mind me. I have Minecraft on the brain. "Gee, I wonder what's new in one of these latest versions, I should check it out," has turned into a 3+ day tech adventure of installing every food/farming/decor mod under the sun and editing config files to suit my playstyle (all aggressive mobs off -  leave me alone, I'm cooking here). And I still have no damn idea what's new because I keep downloading more cool-sounding mods and haven't gotten around to actually playing the game yet! PEEVE.

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  5. 46 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Chappell Roan

    Oh, is that why she's trending? I removed the hashtag from my panel earlier. Then again, I always remove celebrity hashtags from my panel. They're either having a birthday, they died, or they said something dumb.

    I did let myself catch up on the Perry Farrell (last week or whatever) and Janet news, though. I regret everything.

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  6. 48 minutes ago, ZortyTheExplorer said:

    she look so like woman pretty right from start in creator i look so ugly not woman at all :(
    but I guess spend money only answer bait and switch must pay to be pretty

    i still look like man and friend as boy look like woman


    Couple things. If you want to build out a cheap (not entirely free) female avatar, you can get one going for about...300L-400L, give or take a few.


    Quick guide to that:

    Head: Genus has a free gift bento head at their mainstore. Join the free group and you can grab it. It's on the wall of Gifts (look for the pillar and it'll be labelled as Genus Bento Head Mocap Strong Face W001 though it's actually W003) along with some free skins. Alternatively, around Christmas, Lelutka also gives out a male and female free head, if you want to wait for that.


    Body: Lucybody is free if you click their Midnight Mania board. You have to join the free group here first and make sure you have that group activated it before clicking. The body can wear Maitreya 5.3 clothing and shoes without much issue, which will give you access to the entire Maitreya wardrobe. You'll need to wait for the board to reach its goal before the item will be delivered to you, so encourage friends to click it to help move it along faster. Also, the BOM HUD beneath the display will help greatly and allow you to wear BOM skins - it costs 250L and is very worth it.


    Clothing and shoes: Join the Scandalize group and head over to the store. Click on the teleporter at the reception desk to go to the Outlet, where you'll find a hundred or more clothing/shoe fatpacks for FREE. The group join fee is 10L.

    Join the 1L KC Couture group for access to some free shoes at the mainstore.


    Hair: Couple options.

    The No.Match group costs 50L, but gives you access to their entire room of gifts. There are also some freebies and dollarbies scattered around that require no group to grab.

    The Sintiklia group is free, and gives you access to their wall of free hair/cosmetics.



    Amara Beauty has free body skins for all major mesh bodies that require no group. They're located upstairs at the mainstore. There are some free skins at the entrance (one for Evo, one for Evo X) that do require the group, but it's free.

    Other cheap options - If you go with the Genus head, you can search the marketplace for Pumec's old gachas (full body/head skins available for as little as 45L). If you wait for Lelutka's Evo X gift freebie, there are usually a lot of free skin gifts at holiday events and regular weekend sales have deep discounts.


    Unfortunately, doing this for a male avatar is more expensive. They have no modern free body options and require a lot more skilled shopping to pull it off.

    • Like 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    There's an assumption in there, that tools / plug-ins "like" Avastar could be developed for use with other platforms.  🙂

    I'm asking why would they need that exactly when their mods are already being developed effortlessly with base Blender, Maya, ZBrush, etc. What does a compatibility plugin bring to the table?

    And this is slightly getting into the topic of game modding, which is miles different from in-game character creation. I know nothing about 3D modeling and software, but I have made characters in hundreds (thousands?) of games over the years (oh god, I'm old). You don't need 3D skills to play most of what's on the market, thank goodness.


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  8. 2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I thought the point Stella was making, indirectly, is that opening up other platforms to using tools like Avastar could give them more options, like Second Life has.  (Even if SL doesn't have a good "official" / "built-in" character designer compared to the new standards.)

    I don't know what that means really. Avatar is specifically a Second Life Blender plugin. What would, say, someone playing BG3 do with it?



    Someone creating mods for, say, The Sims 4, is going to be using the Sims 4 Studio and whatever else. Regular Blender, Maya, etc. Avastar just makes Blender play nice with Second Life models.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

    With Avastar, I think we kind of have more options in some ways, am I wrong?  I did get it a while ago, mostly to create a fairy avatar in OpenSim, but my experience was mostly just scaling down the avatar.  Now, this I imagine is far more difficult than InZoi's character creator, as it requires a bit more knowledge with Blender..

    Last I checked, unless it's gone free, Avastar is a paid plugin. And yeah, it requires knowledge of 3D modeling. That's not really the same kind of thing as a built-in tool in a game like BDO or InZoi or even SL, really.

    Most game devs know asking their playerbase to have specialized knowledge in game dev is a bad time, UNLESS it's an optional feature (games that cater to both players and modders, which is getting a bit more commonplace these days after the success of Minecraft and Stardew Valley and The Sims 4 and things).

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  10. 6 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

    Yep. It looks great and is attempting to do new stuff. Then I just be like yep ya nope can't run that. Paralives looks interesting also. Now I wonder if one of the reasons the Sims climbed to the top of their life simulator genera had just as much to do with how the game ran as it did the game play. Cause like I'm pretty sure it ran on at everything. Or, least, I ran it on utter crap years and year ago with no problem at all minus the long loading screens. I will probably keep and eye on what all three of them are doing for now, though.

    If you mean The Sims 4, it runs well because of all the separation, instancing, loading screens, etc. That's actually one of the reasons why I don't particularly like that version. Residential and commercial lots are entirely closed off from everything else and the world is very compartmentalized. If you show up at an event, you can see other Sims mysteriously popping in at the front door. Nobody's really there until you get there. I hate that soooo much!

    On the other hand, try running The Sims 3 (open world) with a variety of custom content installed and after a few months (maybe weeks) of full story progression - people moving in/out, dying, being born, growing up, etc., it's going to slow to an absolute crawl. That's because you can drive over to a nightclub anywhere in the city and stand outside. Watch other Sims drive and walk up from who knows how far away. Some might visit the same club, or they might just walk past it on their way somewhere else. They aren't spawned at the location, so you get a sense of real time and progression and a world being fully lived in.

    From what I've seen, InZoi adopted The Sims 3 method with a little Sims 4 thrown in (public transportation options that will toss you into a loading screen and auto-rez you at the location instead of having to manually drive and sit in traffic - which is also an option should you prefer that. On that front, InZoi and The Sims 3 are a bit more SL-like than The Sims 4 - stuff is just happening continuously all over the place, whether you're there or not.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Possibly it's just me, but SL seems to me vastly more diverse in terms of representation than it used to. In my first few years here, I knew hardly anyone who didn't represent as Caucasian. And that has really changed since, well, the introduction of mesh? But certainly a great deal over the past half dozen years or so.

    It's gotten a lot better, but I'd be hard-pressed to call it accurate in many cases. Yes, there are a few creators I lean on when I want to rock more natural hairstyles/textures, but some of the flaws with those have more to do with SL's hard limitations than anything they could do on their end. For example, our mesh doesn't really do curls or twists well. Flexi is usually the solution but it's a whole mess for lots of reasons. You can't get individual strands going rogue all over the place so things like braids and dreads look impossibly smooth. Editing to add: This isn't unique to SL. Lots of games have that issue, but they're getting better at it as seen in some of the more recent game releases.

    Camo does a fantastic job and I adore the styles they come up with, but when you zoom wayyyy in, you can see that things aren't quite right (through no fault of their own - I'm not sure it's possible to get a more natural twist pattern to hair strands like I saw being done with Unreal 5). Am I being picky - absolutely, but hey, I've lived with my unruly hair for decades. I wanna make a character who also struggles, LOL.

    Skins in SL have similar issues. Overly bright or too dark in random spots, too much shine, uneven lighting. I've demoed hundreds (maybe more). The human skin I wear most often is an old pre-EvoX SLUV Velour. The skin I have my alt in is a pre-EvoX SLUV Pumec gacha. They are the only skins I've found that match my shade, look accurate and natural, and don't exhibit any of those issues. If I want to wear an EvoX, I change my shade to pink, purple, blue, pearlescent, onyx, green, etc. I have yet to find a human female EvoX skin near my shade that doesn't make me wince. The male skins are a lot nicer, though, so there's that at least.

    On the Senra hair front - I don't recall seeing anything like that whatsoever. Lots of regular hairbases, some ponytails and buns. I don't think there are braids or dreads or natural hairstyles (but I could be wrong - maybe they snuck a fro in somewhere, lol).

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  12. 7 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Really pretty interesting (and I think good) Twitter thread on character customization by a game designer. Read the whole thread.

    I'm in that thread (not literally) like 5 different times, LOL. The 5-6 hours making a single character in The Sims 3 or 4 is a whole mood.

    And this:



    Character creation for me personally is a biiiiiiiig deal. I played my first games on Atari, Apple II, and C64. NES, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, SNES, Dreamcast, Playstation, Xbox, and PCs (DOS and beyond). Having positive characters that looked like me was so, so so, sooooo rare in the beginning. There are entire articles (and maybe a thesis or 10) written about this, so I won't go into it here, but as a gamer kid who could only find myself in male characters I couldn't even relate to (NBA players, Mike Tyson, GTA characters), I damn near crieeeeed when the original Guild Wars gave me an entire expansion full of girls who looked like me (properly modeled - not just slapping a tint on em) who I could relate to to customize and make myself with. In 2006!!! It took THAT long.

    By then, I was already fiddling with Second Life, but SL wasn't quite there yet. I couldn't find much in the way of hair or skins. You know how it is. Hell, I still struggle with that. Guild Wars had my back, though. GW2 down the road as well. And Sims 4 content creators have made HUGE strides in this area, creating every hairstyle under the freakin' sun for 100% free.

    Not surprising, I will say that the first thing I said when I tried InZoi's character studio was - lemme at this hair, I have to SEE what Unreal 5 can do with this. Sooo, about that. Not only did I have a massive freakout over the quality of the natural textures of the default styles, but I squealed so much about it, I immediately ran to email my brother (who doesn't really give a dip about much of this stuff - he isn't really a gamer, though he used to be a long time ago and he does tinker with some 3D modeling) and even he was like daaaaaaaaamn. I'm not exaggerating that this alone could get me to play a game, so I was already interested, even though it's got more overall character/world realism than I tend to prefer. I like a little fantasy and whimsy in my games. 

    As for how players like to use character creators, we have some stats on that for how they used BG3's, thanks to this infographic put together by Larian Studios.


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  13. 11 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

    Weather effects? Why can't we have weather . . . ? I probably couldn't run it. But I most def find it fascinating to see what they are trying to pull off. Like, so far it looks crazy good and interesting. But then I be like: Well how warm exactly is something like this going to keep my coffee? So idk. It's cool. But idk it that'd be for me, ya know.

    Oh yeah, the system requirements are high. I played around with the character studio beta and it was a tad sluggish for me on a 3070. Then again, I saw people with better cards complaining, so it could just be your standard beta optimization issues that may or may not resolve themselves. Still, it's Unreal 5, so we can expect it to require a good system.

    If you're interested in something close without all the performance drama, take a peek at Paralives. No idea when that's going to be coming out, though. That began as a one-dev project and he's got some help now, but...might still be a bit.

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  14. 18 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Irony, I thought we were told they have lively discussions over there, unencumbered by the whole "groupthink" issue. 

    It's public - you can just check it out for yourself and see what's there.

    I find it to be a really helpful resource for shopping/styling. It's somewhat more active than our dedicated areas for that on here.

    Edit: If anyone's been discussing the population glitch over there, I didn't see it. It's possible there's a thread kicking around there somewhere that I missed.

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  15. 40 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

    The cartoon filter to make it easier to run on weaker systems!

    The cartoon filter is insane (in a good way). I haven't seen anyone run their game with it on, though, so I can't speak to how it affects performance.

    I could've sworn there are other filter effects, too, but perhaps I'm mixing it up with what's available in the photo studio.

    If you get the chance, also take a look at the weather effects and the world appearance slider. You can change the entire appearance of the world along a scale from sleek modern to grimy post-apocalyptic. With just a slider. It's crazy.

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  16. 18 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Coffee could also be rallying Redditors to post about it over there, amounting to "bad attention" to SL outside of our little Forum..why not, if it works? "Whatever works" seems to be the approach.

    Have you been to the SL subreddit? It's Your Avatar + Flickr x20 over there. Shopping, styling, here's my new look, where can I find this/that, this body vs. that body, which sims are best for this/that, and a bit of tech support.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    SL has never nor will ever be easy.  Try Roblox.

    Honestly, try absolutely anywhere else. If all they want is an easy way to manage their avatar and other factors like gameplay style/genre/system reqs/how many players can run in multiplayer/etc. don't matter, the sky's the limit.

    They could try Roblox. Try Final Fantasy XIV. Try WoW. Try Valheim. Try Once Human. Try Space Marine 2. Try GW2 also known as Fashion Wars...


    26 minutes ago, ZortyTheExplorer said:

    i want easy change avatar clothes and design on avatar easy or no friends come and stay with ugly avatars default right now smh

    If you're using the Senra starter avatars, your options for some things may be limited. It's true - it's harder to dress an avatar here than most places. Some decent options can be found for free (check some of the recent threads in the Your Avatar section for help with finding free items and/or clothing for the Senras). It will take some time to put some decent looks together, though.

    • Like 5
  18. 1 hour ago, animats said:

    SL is serious about property. There are games where you can own houses or plots or something, but only SL tried hard to mimic the real world, including buying land, subdividing it, and becoming a landlord. You can have problems in SL such as a neighbor's tree sticking out over your land, and there are ways to resolve that.

    Very true, but then I wonder how much new people really want to deal with that sort of thing. Or how familiar with a system like that they'd be. I've seen some videos of people being tossed into the air and ejected while exploring and they usually have no Earthly clue what just happened. It's a jarring experience (even when it happens to me!).


    58 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    EA's Project Rene is getting a lot of buzz and they finally (really) clarified it's not Sims 5, more of an adjacent, MP project in parallel with Sims 4. Interesting. Small very limited beta test later this fall and I'll be curious how it compares to some of SL's basics.

    EA will be its own downfall. This is exactly why there are so many competitors in production. Everyone knew they were going to milk that 4 DLC foreveeeeeeer. 😂 

    That upcoming Sims roadmap for The Sims Hub is confusing as all hell, too. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

    In Palia you create a character in the character creation screen and then are dropped into the game and never enter that creation area again. Instead you use a wardrobe to change clothes or visit the local tailor and use his magical mirror to change physical features of your avatar. So Palia uses a similar mechanic as SL as opposed to Inzoi.

    I played Palia quite a bit before it all went to hell - I think I quit around October of last year. Palia's system is similar to the Guild Wars 2 wardrobe system I mentioned. Kind of/sort of. Different games entirely, but a somewhat similar interface. A full character creation interface at first, and then you're moved to a paired down wardrobe system. Palia's wardrobe is visual, if I'm remembering it right. SL's Outfit panel (which I guess would be the closest thing, if not using the full inventory) is text-based.

    I know SL recently-ish added the ability to add photos to your inventory, but I've honestly never messed with that since it's often a manual process (not all of my purchases came with photos) and I'm just not feeling it.






  20. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    No, I've just been following in a really perfunctory way on Twitter. It does sound like an unholy mess.

    And every time I see a reference to it I think of Slime Rancher.

    Slime Rancher, LMAO. My brain automatically goes to Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That on Television." That probably makes me older than all of these dudes on trial, but hey. It's all so impossibly strange.

    Don't watch footage, though. It'll drive you absolutely mad. I've seen some horrid prosecutors in my time, but the way this woman will ask the same question in 5 different ways each and every single time doing this over and over and over with every single question and every single witness knowing this trial is slated to continue deep into 2025 makes me scream for the jury (and my own sanity).

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  21. 19 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Weirdest trial ever.

    Have you tuned in at all? I only started watching a couple weeks ago when I saw that the defense attorneys/true crime podcasters I follow (yes, I'm addicted, shush) were following it closely. RICO cases in general are so massive that it's hard to keep up with them anyway, but when I heard they had 100+ witnesses left, on trial since January, judges were getting recused and swapped, and attorneys were being disciplined and kicked off the case, I started watching out of curiosity. Real talk - I must've seen at least 8 entire trials from start to finish in the time this one trial's been going on. 😂

    And what caps off this horror show in the absolute best way possible? Prosecutor Love's chair doing a rubber ducky squeak every time she sits down. I cannot.

    This whole thing is such a mess, but I keep wondering - how does a jury stay out of work for almost an entire year? I once got called and thankfully not selected for Grand Jury duty, which would've been a month of service (a far easier job than a normal trial jury at least - they just vote on indictments) and even then, I couldn't understand how that'd be feasible for most people. We get $40 a day in NY. The county this trial is in gives...$25. 😲 And they've been out since JANUARY?

    I've been peeving so hard for them. That's absurd.

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