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  1. actually managed to figure out it was still using an old PW, but thanks
  2. Hi there, so the one topic i can find is from 2016. I can login on my old computer but cannot remember what i did special as far as pw and such. it says my information is wrong for the testing grid for mesh testing. can anyone clue me in?
  3. So I have two characters I have been unable to figure out which email I used for them. I know their names but can't recover their passwords. any way to get help with that?
  4. thanks, I have a few skins I need to check to see if they work. I have been using default Maitreya skins because it seems every time I log on her breasts are not visible and I have to refresh the skin and that's been the quickest rout.
  5. thank you for your help. I am still learning about BOM, I thought I understood it, but not entirely sure
  6. well what I am asking is, this item is supposed to just add like tattoos on the skin I have. make me look like I'm an android with my own skin. I have a ball jointed doll one that works with my bodies and thought this one was the same. I just wanted to ask to see if perhaps I was missing something on how I could use it.
  7. Please see the picture to know what I am talking about. So usually I am good about making sure I read all over a description to make sure I have the right things. this time I think I might be able to use it as I intended. I never worked with classic avatars all that much, didn't fully start paying attention to things till I bought my Maitreya and now I have a tonic as well because I am learning how to make mesh items. I thought when it said system layers I would be able to use it on one of my bodies. Is there a way I could use it on one of them?
  8. thank you so much for the advice and link. I did manage to find your videos and have been watching them, they are very helpful, thank you.
  9. so I have mostly got things down, however it seems not all my faces show properly as if they are invisible from one side. https://gyazo.com/d8ed8da6cc2650b99bd205eefe39456e
  10. Thank you so very much for taking the time to explain. I am going to go through your post much more carefully but wanted to go ahead and get a thank you written.
  11. Hi all, I have been going through reading and have found many tutorials that look like they may help, but the links do not seem to work, or they are just not what I need. I know the basics of modeling. I have taken classes in Maya, and am converting my knowledge over to blender. I have tried creating a mesh and uploading it, but have had a lot of issues. I have went through youtube videos and just can't seem to find the info I need. I just want to make low impact mesh objects, can someone please point out some tutorials to better explain what I need to do to achieve this. Thank you so much. here is a link to a gif showing just what I have accomplished so far. https://gyazo.com/803747ffbf700518e1a4524d93ae3fef
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