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Everything posted by magpie343

  1. Hi there! My name is Maggie Lee! 😄 I am not fairly new to second life, even though this account I use is a year old. I have been off and on in the past, but should be here quite more now, so much so I am looking for a job! I have 0 SL job experience, but I am eager and quick to learn. I am outgoing and able to converse easily. I usually spend my time on SL helping others out, and helping newer folk get started. I will work for cheap! Every little bit helps, and I love to help support creators, so I am not picky🖤 I am 19, Female, and I won't cam/voice, and escorting is something I am not particularly interested in doing. My timezone is Central, I am from the USA. I am usually able to be on from around 10 pm to 5am, but I can maybe work around if needed and is planned. I do have a bit of RL experience in Photoshop, and I've piddled around with 3D modeling applications such as blender, I am not advanced yet, but I want to learn to make mesh clothing and even possibly a mesh body, free of charge for new comers in the future. Thank you for reading! 🥰 (pic edited by me)
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