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Charlotte Whimsy

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Posts posted by Charlotte Whimsy

  1. I might as well do this one.

    *ahem* Greetings and salutations! I'm Charlotte Whimsy (formerly Lethe Soldumaagh, and even more formerly Lenora Firesong lol). I am a proud SL resident who generally goes back and forth between the fairy and steam realms, and everything in between. I (speaking as my typist) have been on and off of Second Life since 2011. This account has only been here since Aug 2017. Full disclosure, I burned my previous account because of a shameful love triangle I was involved in. I'm never doing that again, lol. I am in a much better place now mentally.

    I frequent The Faery Crossing, Rosehaven, Caledon, Solar Moons, and too many nature/scenic sims to mention. I am a Bellisserian shapeshifter. I say I'm a shapeshifter because that takes less time to say than "I can't decide if I want to be a human or a fairy or an elf or a mermaid or a faun or a drow or a pixie or a crow or a dinkie bunny."

    I use Second Life as a creative outlet. I love spending hours putting together outfits, organizing my inventory (a virtually thankless and pointless task), and rearranging my living quarters to soothe my ADHD. I really like to "inspect" things and find out when they were made, who made them, who placed them, and what these people are like. I stalk profiles a lot. I love learning about the history of Second Life, almost as much as I love learning about the history of real life! And you bet your buttcheeks I go see SL replicas of historic buildings, towns, and cities. To give you an idea of how much I love history, I recently dropped almost 6000L on a gacha that contained a historically accurate Saxon dress and apron set. 

    I have a particular affinity for occult decor. I used to identify as a witch, but these days... I honestly have no idea how to label myself. Regardless, I fantasize about being a forest witch in a cottage with my beloved. This fantasy bleeds heavily into my Second Life. Also, I'm, like, super into celestial art and Art Nouveau.

    I've seen others here mention their favorite music. I love folk music from all over the world, but usually stick with pagan/New Age stuff. More mainstream, I enjoy rock, 70s funk and soul, classic R&B, Fleetwood Mac (they really deserve their own genre), and classical (Romantic and Baroque). My two favorite bands/artists are Dead Can Dance and Aurora. I grew up influenced by late 90s through 00s music and culture, so I'm a sucker for that stuff as well. But I was also influenced by 70s music and fashion because of my awesome mom and aunt.

    I feel like that's about it. Looking forward to meeting you all. :)

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/24/2020 at 8:30 AM, kiramanell said:


    This really is eerily good! ❤️ It's beyond me how you managed to put so much expression into your (system-avi, no less) face. Absolute, spot-on nostalgic pondering. Incredble!

    lol It's beyond me how I managed to do it myself! I was tweaking one of my bodies and it came out looking like this. :) I'm really happy with it. Thank you. :)

    • Like 4
  3. Just now, TDD123 said:

    I couldn' t agree more : I do find her talented. I also perceive need of conflict in her.

    If balanced that could lead to great results.

    Yes! I agree that she is a talented photographer. I feel like she has a mindset where she thinks everyone is out to get her or something. Some people are petty enough to not "like" something out of spite. Those people's opinions don't matter though. And as soon as she figures that out, she might be a-okay. Life is really nice when you just go about your business.

    I don't care how talented or beautiful someone is. If they got a crappy attitude like that, I don't like them. But if they do happen to post something I resonate with, I will like that post. It's not a hard concept.

    • Like 3
  4. 11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    When did we stop? 😁 

    Sorry, bad joke. And the Neanderthals deserve better.

    As a fellow gusher about the history, I approve entirely. And clever you, finding something Saxon! It would never have occurred to me that such things were available -- although there are a few posters here who do Viking.

    I'd love to see more pics of you in historic settings and costume! I hope you'll keep it up!

    And lovely cave painting, btw. It may have given me an idea . . .

    lol I'm fairly certain my ex was a stereotypical Neanderthal! All jokes aside, he needs some serious development, and I'm very fascinated with the different Homo species.

    You will definitely see more pics of me in historic settings and costume. I love this stuff. That's one of the main things I use SL for, is to pretend like it's the Middle Ages, and I'm a forest nymph. xD

    • Like 3
  5. 16 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    Anyway. My avatar looks a little like Leon from RE2.


    lol, see what I mean when I got a little bit of likes compared to everyone else who has like 15-30 likes, but my picture gets purposefully ignored because people just wont admit to the fact they don’t like me and keep it real. And people claim it’s not about anything to make it seem like I’m the one starting something but I’m only telling the truth. Yeah whatever. Straight up BS.


    I can't speak for everyone, but your picture doesn't resonate with me, therefore I didn't "like" it. That's all. And if you're worried about people not liking you, have you tried changing your attitude? You seem kind of toxic, from my brief interactions with you. Maybe do some meditating. Let go of some things, it's really freeing.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    It's lovely. And I love Saxon history and culture!

    Personally, I'd kill for the teeniest tiniest little piece of Saxon jewelry. Nothing fancy: maybe just a modest broach, in gold with garnet inlay.

    I love the period of history after the collapse of Rome where you see all these chiefdoms everywhere. It's like the storm of the Roman empire was over and there was a period of strange calm afterwards. I like how "quiet" things seem for a few centuries. Honestly, I love all of European history, especially prehistory though. Like when we were mating with the Neanderthals, kind of prehistory. I love the different cultures that popped up here and there, and the art that came out of it. Now, this isn't European, but it's my top favorite cave painting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cueva_de_las_Manos. Sorry, I could gush about history and anthropology for hours. I just love it so much.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Viking? (I'm more of a Saxon girl myself.)

    Beautiful pic, Charlotte.

    I was actually going for the Saxon look. I do have a few Viking dresses in my inventory but I saw this in a gacha at Sweet Kajira and was like, yeah. I'm about to spend dummy lindens on this.

    • Like 3
  8. 34 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    From my observation, I heavily disagree and there definitely is something more to it, but it’s whatever. The whole internet is like that anyway. People in general are like that. Besides, it’s one against many. Of course, I’d be invalid. 

    I'm sorry that that's your observation. I hope things start looking up for you.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    It’s not how good you are on these forums. It’s how many people actually like you. You could be actually good and get ignored or as few likes compared to something less, but because they’re popular or more well liked, they get likes. 

    I don't know about that, man. I haven't been on these forums very long and I think I got quite a few likes on my picture here from plenty of people who I don't know and they don't know me. I don't even pay attention to who is posting their pictures unless the picture in question blows me away. If I like a picture/post, I'm going to "like" it. If I don't like it or am simply indifferent to it, I will simply scroll by. And I'd venture to guess that everyone else more or less does the same thing. And as someone else mentioned, this isn't about the quality of photographs. The question was asked: "how does your avatar look today?" Some are posting really well produced snapshots and photoshops. Some are posting just regular snapshots with varying degrees of quality. Every single one is valid, regardless of how many likes they get. And it is up to each viewer whether or not they like that picture. If they do, great. If they don't, it's not that big of a deal. Second Life, inworld and out-of-world (like the forums), is a really great experience if you don't try so hard. 

    • Like 7
  10. 19 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Boating is fun! Mostly, I zip around the mainland and Bellisseria on my scooter: there's more to see, but I should really sail more often.

    I have a little motorboat I use sometimes: it's very pretty and not difficult to handle, but I've discovered recently how much more involved sailboats can be. It might be fun to try that one day. And sailboats have the advantage (I suspect) that they handle region crossings better. I have, on a few occasions, found myself treading water while my boat zipped off by itself across the adjoining sim.


    That happened to me during one of the boat parades in Bellisseria! lol I crossed a border, my boat was returned to lost & found, and I was neatly placed at 0,0,0 for a minute.

    • Haha 2
  11. 31 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Gosh, thanks. ...  ... I think  😛 :)

    But but but that is scary and I'd probably get all stressed and dieeeeeeeee. 

    Not like you or anyone else asked (or cared) but since when has that stopped me? Here's the screenshot version. There are things I like about it better. I knew when I took it that I was going to play in PS, so I didn't bother doing the crop with the viewer:


    bees 042220_006.png

    I'm going to agree with everyone else here, I love this version a lot. The PS version is very nice, but I really, really love what you've got going on here in the raw version. You are very talented! Can I actually use this one in a photo frame for my apartment? I'll pay you if that's a problem, you know, with rights and all that. But this is one of those SL photographs that really speak to me. Also, do you display your photography anywhere like a gallery? I just scrolled up and saw your Flickr. Followed. Sorry if I'm obsessing, this is amazing to me. Absolutely stunning. Bravo!

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I've discovered -- like, kind of seriously -- that I like "gardening," or "farming" in SL.

    Go figure.


    I recently discovered I like SL boating. That is not something I thought I would particularly care for. I said, "boating in SL does not sound exciting." Turns out that if I turn my draw distance up past 32, it does become more interesting and--dare I say it--FUN!!!

    • Like 3
  13. 4 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    As someone with a passing interest in etymology, I can see how this makes sense.

    Modern German : Salzmagd
    Modern Dutch : Zoutmaagd 

    I'm sure there are more than these two languages in which there is a close similarity to Soldumaagh 🙂


    YES! A fellow word-lover! There are literally dozens of us! DOZENS!!!!


    • Like 3
  14. I hopped on the last name bandwagon last week. Whimsy is the only last name that I felt fit me. And Charlotte is a callback to an old account I had back in 2013 that I miss and can't get back into because I don't know the email or password, and all my email addresses from that time of my life are deleted. lol I have made some poor choices in my life. Anyway, the name of that account was Scarlot Charlotte. Scarlot Charlotte was the name given to a pirate ship my college light RP group made up.

    My old name was Lethe Soldumaagh. Lethe is the name of a river in the Underworld that when you drink from it, it helps you forget. I forget everything constantly. Obviously, that's a different, more shallow story, but I just like how it sounds, and I love Greek mythology. Soldumaagh is of my own making. I'm not a linguist, but it's supposed to be Proto-Indo-European (or was it Old English... 🤔) for Salt Maiden. I did a research paper on salt once in the 8th grade because I was lazy and that was the last listed topic I could do one on. I now have tons of useless information about the history of salt swimming about in my head, ready to burst forth and and drown any innocent bystanders in  K N O W L E D G E TM.

    I feel like this is way more information than what was asked for. I grant you all permission to chase me with pitchforks and torches.


    • Like 5
  15. 1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    I have a mesh body, and I wear it maybe 1/3 of the time...mostly when I'm wearing an outfit that doesn't have a "classic avatar" option.  But the classic avatar has a very wide range of possibilities.  Here's a very early version of me, sometime in 2007.


    ...and here is a much more recent version of me, still wearing a classic avatar...






    I love your updated avi! That looks beautiful! Can you tell me where you got that skin from though? I love the way the lips look. I've gotten a few skins where the lips look frankly awful, at least to me anyway.

    • Like 1
  16. I use both my system and mesh bodies. Since Bakes On Mesh came out, I've been using my mesh body more, due to the novelty of using my favorite system skins on my sleek new mesh body. 

    I like the system body because it's fun to try to make it look as smooth and as realistic as possible. And there are a ton of old clothes I love to wear that I couldn't wear with a mesh body before, though that is possible now. But sometimes I feel really nostalgic and walk around as a system avi for a while. I tend to go mesh-free at events where there aren't any mesh bodies there. 

    I like to use the mesh bodies/heads/attachments for photography. Currently, I feel like I'm in limbo with mesh bodies. I've used Maitreya Lara exclusively since it came out. I love it as a body, but I've always had issue with the breasts. I don't like large breasts, but Maitreya Lara's breasts don't work well when I move the slider down. The Legacy Perky body fixes that problem for me. I love how the Legacy Perky breasts look. Unfortunately, the body doesn't work with any of my clothes or body attachments. When I demoed the body, I (being an idiot) just demoed it naked. But hey! At least now I can look good naked! 👍


    Edit: After reading this thread, now I really want to go in and edit my system avi now. lol

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