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Posts posted by DMTLC

  1. Well I already tried the transparent shortcut and I don't see anything wrong.

    I tried blocking the experience and nothing changed..

    I even went to a sandbox that has it allowed but there is one logo that is like a blue man standing in front of a pyramid, don't know what that means...

    And I am in Fs fyi

  2. Well after trying to copy stuff and do the other recommended tasks it still doesn't work, but I did equip a different "Necklace" and it seems to work, so I'm guessing that only the stuff i had active when joining the RP sim is now not functional. I must add that I would much prefer to use the stuff I have active

  3. The RP is called pandemonium and apparently the HUD cannot be detached and it only attaches when at the sim. But it for sure isn't the transparent prim because I can right click and edit my huds just not touch use them

  4. I have a problem right now where I can't touch my "Necklace", My Gianni body hud my AO etc. I tried thinking about the possible reasons it could be and all I remember was joining a RP that hands you a HUD and ever since I can't touch. I have checked Avatar health and done all the options and still no luck, please help :)

  5. 48 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Hi @DMTLC, welcome to Second Life...and kudos for your desire to be a creator!

    There are basically two ways to make things for Second Life...prims and mesh.

    Prims are "geometric primitives"...basic geometric shapes like prisms, spheres, and cylinders.  You can make and edit these with the built-in building tools.  It's easy...here's how to make your first cube!

    • In an area where you are allowed to rez (a public sandbox, for example), right click the ground and select Build.
    • The mouse cursor changes to a magic wand symbol.
    • Click it on the ground again.
    • A plywood cube appears!  You will also see a new window, the Edit window.  Use the controls here to change the size, shape, position and texture of your object.
      • Exercise for the student:  Use these tools to make a credit card!

    There is a great display of self-paced tutorials on using these tools at the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives.

    Until about 2011 or so, this was how ALL things were made in SL.  Then came Mesh...

    While everything in SL is, really, made up of 3D meshes, we use the term "mesh" to refer to 3D objects that are created in an external program, like Maya (expensive!) or Blender (free!) and then imported into SL.  Almost everything that is created for sale these days is made this way.

    Objects made in this way can be much more intricate and detailed than objects built from prims, because the software used to make them has so many more tools and options.  The corollary, of course, is that it takes more time and effort to learn to use all those options!  There are many tutorials and YouTube videos available to help you learn Blender.  There's even a group in world, "Blender Benders".  They offer a 50-lesson series of classes (one per week), and it's FREE.

    This helped a tone, already got blender and looking for some tutorials, will make sure to check out the blender benders for sure, once again thank you😍

  6. I'm quite new to this life and i was wondering where to start with models. I was asked to Model a Credit card and Wallet, any tips where to start. I really want to get into it ^^

  7. Well, i was just curious and in the need of L$ i owe someone and was wondering if anyone could help me find a job or some other way to get money, my goal is 100k i know its a lot so i need to start somewhere. If anyone has anyway please contact me or Second life IM or even on this. Thank you

    -Tomas M.

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