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Hecate Morningstar

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Posts posted by Hecate Morningstar

  1. 3 minutes ago, rasterscan said:

    Oooh. It'll be my pleasure :D

    Love visiting old places, like 'da boom' where it all began, Sirens Isle, where the posers still pose, and Snowlands, still beautiful after all these years.

    Cornfields. Still exists, and in Belli citizens chat,  not a week ago, Pru got sent there by Patch for going 'Sim Sim Sim Sim' deliberately, like that, four times in a row. How I laughed ! - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/The_Corn_Field

    Folk can find wonderful interesting and free stuff still at the Free Dove, and that includes decent mesh avatars too. My fave mesh polo shirt came from the Free Dove too, freee ! and it even has a color hud and I say that as a man who has spent 350 lindys on a polo shirt that was a bad fit. Lesson learnt.

    'The Shelter' still exists, although the last Linden money tree finally disappeared sometime last year. Still a great place for newcomers though. In fact I shall pay a nostalgia visit there later today I think.

    There. If this one does'nt earn me lots of likes I shall scweam and scweam until I'm sick.



    Oh cool. Whell I try to visit some areas before all turn to history!

    Sometimes I shoot pictures. Like cardpostal. We have 2020 and I'don't know about sl but areas tend to go in memories. 

    Also I joined second life fairly recent and I never had the chance to see most of the place I read about.  

    I seek relics like linden bears or items that somehow remain after all this year's around.  I can find some old stuff in mplace.  Still I like to colect comemorative old items and such. 


  2. Just now, Fauve Aeon said:

    It’s not about your language skills, it’s about your lack of comprehension and circular logic, false analogies and the way your storyline quickly devolved. Like Jar Jar’s. 😉

    I didn't had a conversation to begin with.

    I Trully all I saw wasexcuses. All I was trying was to prove some false asumption.  But we'll I guess in the end we are soul colectors from hell.  Light the fires.

  3. 1 minute ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Were you aware that you've posted to this thread 47 times in approximately 4 hours?

    (I had to edit the count because I started this post about a minute ago.)

    Yep. I still wait to speak about the subject through and not fight or joke around with someone who don't try to avoid stuff and make 3rd grade jokes. As u see not much luck

  4. 3 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

    I don't really understand bloodlines any more than I understand Gor.......

    But a couple of weeks ago, the minute I tp'd into a sandbox, I got a bite request.

    Obviously I refused, but in a sandbox?? Really?

    I got in a sandbox and I met a naked classic avie. In a sandbox? Let's close the whole sl registry system. Noobs are evil.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Just WOW!   I wandered in here a little while ago to see what could possibly make a thread that started four hours ago rack up 150 posts. I've had a few friends flirt with Bloodlines over the past 13 years, but I've ignored it myself. It has always looked to me like sort of a silly game.  The OP's ramblings this morning haven't done much to change my mind.  I have to agree with Solar. The OP's certainly not helping to improve the Bloodlines image.  

    The First Law of Holes: "Don't step into one."

    The Second Law Of Holes: "If you find yourself in one, stop digging."

    The Third Law Of Holes: "If you really must keep digging, don't throw the dirt into the wind."

    I have the willpower. Can I solve any questions? 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    Is anyone else kind of ‘hearing’ OP’s posts in a weird sort of Jar Jar Binks ‘voice’?  Or just me...perhaps I just need to go have lunch...

    Meesa a vampire, and yousa  know dat wesa aren’t all mighty bad peoples, yesa it’s true, disa fact...
     but it’s really a bad shame dat wesa getsa treated so bad by da people who don’t getsa our big and important message, right, so i’m just hair to tell yous these tings...


    Good point. My English is bad. Anything about the subject? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I haven't called you dude. I'm not a guy so if you don't want me calling you dude, don't call me dude.

    You don't need to explain anything to me. I was here when all that crap went down. I was one of the people who got drug into it without my consent or knowledge. I experienced what you are attempting to say never happened. 

    Invalidating other people's experiences is not the way to redeem BL in the eyes of the people who have been abused by it.

    I've never said you or BL was evil. Never even used the word until just now. I never said I hate the people who play BL either. You keep throwing false accusations around hoping something will stick. That's not working out too well for you. But hey, if this is the hill you want to die on, by all means do so. I won't stand in your way.

    Oh now u became unit. Good. Cause when this dude acused me for rp and bands and blindles.  U was kinda didn't saw it either. Do I look I care. I said what I had to said. And what I said especially about the souls and the bites was 100% on point. Why the ***** still making a great subject about it it's beyond me. They love this. They can easily stop posting and this dies. But as u see they prefer trying to make me go away. I came here to speak about some stuff. This post is about this stuff. We can discuss ir if they like or they can leave the post. Not the opposite.  

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    No, what you need to do is close out your browser and take a few hundred steps back. You're getting worked up over other user's opinions - many from experience - of a "game system" within Second Life.

    All the while doing the exact opposite of your stated reasoning for even starting this thread.

    I'll be clear on that last part: You are not helping whatsoever in changing anyone's mind concerning Bloodlines and are, in fact, making that image worse.

    Enough. Step away.

    Honey. How about close the post and go a mile from the pc. With all the respect witch fr is becoming lesser and lesser with the time passes I don't care about the bloodlines that much. When I see people hating me I return the same. I never said I came to advertise bloodlines or any game. I see lies and I spoke what the truth is. You don't have a sl soul. Nothing of this claims they Try so hard is really make sense. I know wth I say with proofs about. And u speak about gays and wrong comparison. I used an example based on hate. Call it bad taste. Call it what u love it wasn't against them. I see hate and racism and blindness. I try explain and they prefer to moke and joke. What makes u think anything u said to me make sense at all. I didn't came to prove anything. I came to answer some stuff I see days now and some lies about something I'm part of it everyday. I don't care if u like it or hate it. That's ur decision. But making a asumption based on whatever they throw don't Gina work either.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Go back and re-read my post. I did not call you an *****. I said I didn't want BL players around me because they are assholes. I never mentioned your name. You took it upon yourself to include yourself in that statement and used it as an excuse to take offense.

    I'm racist? WTF? Are you now trying to claim that vampires are real and a species that actually exists in real life? I come from one of the poorest reservations in the US and you want to label me as racist and a bad person. 9_9

    Dude I never said vamps are real. All I say is people hate in sl fr people just because are vampires. I need to explain again that this is so much complicated than they think. Before some ages some stuff happen they made a decision we all deserve to be judged the same. They don't even know what they stand for. Half blame the rp. Others say it isn't. Both agree we are all evil. All I say is not all people all the same. And they make a joke try to twist what I say to prove me wrong and keep hating people they don't even met.  

    Also I'm bloodline player. And I'm not a dude. You technical called me ashold 😂

  10. 4 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Not even going to bother reading the whole thread as it really is just SSDD as far as these specific threads go.

    Bloodlines is not and never was about the Role Play and before the OP tries to claim otherwise ... This is coming from someone who came to Second Life from text based, chat and IM style Role Play and someone who rather enjoys RPGs and their mechanics.

    Bloodlines is neither of these, period.

    It has more in common with the typical Pay to Win mobile games of the last decade than it does with any form of Role Play.

    Oh yes and OP? This is coming from someone who actually gave it a shot, hoping it wasn't as bad as people thought it was.

    Put down the victim card as well - Bloodlines is not required for you to be a Vampire in Second Life nor is it required for Vampire Role Play.

    Great point! Do you hate people who play bloodlines? The game sucked! And decide Wth u believe cause some acuse people for rp only. Others say it's not. Decide! Between all of you is rp or not first. As u see the post was to show some stuff people don't know about us. Not turn them on. Do you hate bloodline players? Cause as it seems the do without even thinking. And before start again their suporters means they agree with the crap I hear an hour now! 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    My kind? LOL You don't know anything about me. You're spouting off about others not judging you all the while you are judging others based on assumptions. You lost the argument the moment you started name calling and making false accusations.

    Walk in my moccasins for few years and then you will know what it is really like to deal with bigotry and racism on a daily basis. 

    Nice. After u called me so many names now try to generalise it. Yes ur kind. The kind of people who asume and implied I am the same ashold who.met in their life's before 10 years. Yes u may deal with racism. That doesn't make u less racist through. Keep believe ur dream we all are the same. I'm not asumin here I see with my own freaking eyes. How exactly prove ur point is more important. Wth I said that made u think I'm bad person? Refer it! Pls. What was the evil thing I said? The other one said that bans everyone he likes because thinks we all rp? 

  12. 1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

    Every single person in this thread right now reading your words over the past five six pages...



    Good that was the point of making a post. Trully u think this was affected me? 😂 Ik with I said. Ik what I try to explain. While here and there I have the self righteous trying to make a joke or have fun. In the end I'm not the one who constantly open hating people. That was the majority of the answers.  I was called ashold and so many other things while I tried say it's bad ban or asume people because they are something u are not having the full age. I even got d asumed as rp fanatic by a person who don't have a clue what is rp. With this logic of him all sleep is rp. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Hurts me? Wtf are you talking about?

    I don't want BL around me because they're all a bunch of assholes and have been since day one. You've done a wonderful job of adding yourself to that bunch. You're too willfully blind to see the truth or care what the truth is. 

    Believe me I truly dispise to my guts people of ur kind too. I'm ashold. A terible person. A liar. Whatever fits you. All I *****in said was not judge people just because they play a game doesn't make them horible. But I see exactly my starting point. People ignorance prefer hate and spreading lies and myths for keep their precious points of self righteousness. All I said was people to not hate and seek before and if want to join. Not advertising nothing. Not gain nothing. And I still insist that most of your acusations are bunch of blu***** and lies. Spreading fear with lost off souls and evil. While it's just a freaking game. U prefer ban and hate from personal experience with a minority all the game Base. Real mature. Almost rotten. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    I SERIOUSLY hope Google Translate is massively failing you or something... because if you actually understood the point you wrote and believe there is equivalency between LGBT people and your choice of cartoon character in a video game... you need to log out... now...


    Do you understand that this people here are judging other people based on asumptions or u keep act like hurt and not see the conetion. People hating other people based on their asumptions and generalise some acts to all users. Do u think this is wright? Think! I made the conetion of preference based hate not on reality. People asume the morality and behaviour of other people here. U can see it or u pretend I make false asumptions and twist my point .

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Because it always has been RP. I've been in SL since long before BL existed and was one of the people who were pestered to death by bite requests from BL players

    You don't get to rewrite my past and you don't get to rewrite SL/BL history. Too many of us "old people" (castironskillet.gif.3be3b053c922d2a6dc500fe5f380be62.gif) know the truth.

    Oh yes and their pour precious souls are burning in hell. For gods sake indeed most of here act like fossils believe for real that this touchy soul subject that so hurts u is freaking real. I have people defending that all vampires are rp evil persons even blindly bans just because I'm part of a game. Really enlighten.  I'm more than glad I made this post. 

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    I never once said you were a spampire... No, i wont leave your thread.. No i wont bann you from it either but LL may. And finally, no, you cant bann me from it. 

    But yes, you do RP, you RP in SL as a vampire. You really dont understand what RP is. Its a role, that you play.. You play a vampire. You have said it many times. 



    I'm not rp a vampire! I'm a vampire on rp in the place I rp. Rest of the day I wear my clothes and go outside in sl. I'm rp I'm a vampire driving my motorbike on a club? Dancing? You is the one that don't understand what rp is. Not all bloodlines is rp and neither being a creature means u rp 24/7 the creature.  I need to drink blood daily and on a scan I spear as vampire 24/7. Did u get it? Or I have to draw it? We can't exactly hide we part of the bloodlines. And u insists so passionate all bloodlines is rp

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

    Sorry, sunshine, this is a big bunch of crap. 

    It's a freaking game, vampires do not exist, and you are trivializing very real issues by trying to equate this goofy little game with morality. 

    When people without met me asume me for my choices yes I will. 

    • Sad 2
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