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Keyla Vought

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  1. Hugs tight, take care, ty all for answer me. Keyla Vought
  2. Ty sweet, this thing i blowing my mind. Sorry again to talk about this subject, it´s a serious thing who needs attention. Hugs, Take Care
  3. Hi guys, I recently invited a DJ person to live in my land, he was nowhere to stay, and I let him stream from there. On the first night he did a good stream, I just found some songs that he had played strange, but as I don't understand much of English slang I thought everything was ok. The next day, we prepared a new event, and he started to spew hate speech against religion and he kicked a person there without my permission, because the person was religious, I was on the land but was afk, when I came back I found out what happened because that person contacted me. I went to investigate what was going on, and I had the impression that he was streaming with hate speech, but something heavier, I can't say, as I said before, my English is weak for slang but I have the impression of having heard things of a racist nature . I blocked it immediately, apologized to my group about what was going on and sent an abuse ticket to sl, but I didn't have an answer, does anyone know if it takes time to get an answer to that? I am afraid he may have offended or hurt someone in my absence, I am a person who loves everyone, and I just want to make friends. And I don't want anyone to think that I agree with what happened. Thank you all, I am sorry to send such a message of such a sad occurrence. but this subject is making me very very very sad. Big hug to all, take care. Keyla Vought.
  4. Ty sweet, i´ll test on the ground tonight, my creator room is 2000 meters , it´s a pitty, the hud is pretty cool to deal with jewelery, at least x and y axis works fine. Hugs Take Care Be safe Keyla Vought ❤️
  5. Hello guys, i´m building a tool to help me in my nano constructions, but i have a problem with Z axis, i build a hud who send commands to a prim and it resize, rotate and move, at minimum, but i have a problem with Z axis to move, it don´t move like the other axis. X and y i move 0.00001+, but z i only can move 0.0001 and it upgragrates in my hover text 0.001+ , i must click 10x ax z axis to upgrade the hover. llSetPos(llGetPos() + <posx,posy,posz>); < i have a remote control system who gives a plus to each axis separated but the z axis don´t work like the other stuff, only here llSetRot(llGetRot() + <rotx,roty,rotz,0>); llSetText("Channel: " + (string)channel +"\nSize: "+(string)llGetScale()+"\nRotation: "+(string)llGetRot()+"\nPosition: " +(string)llGetPos(), <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 1); https://pasteboard.co/JnfpzwF.png ty guys Take Care, be Safe Keyla Vought
  6. Hello Dora, i´m building and addon for mesh generator, and i know know the licenses to use your resizer script? ty, you did a grate job on that script.
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