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Posts posted by CandyCole

  1. I partake in many fora on numerous and completely different subjects and there are all manner of differing voices on each and every one.

    Undesirables exist everywhere.

    Some members are tediously ubiquitous, some overly opinionated, some overflowing with their own self-importance, some believe their voice is the be all and end all of every discussion, those who think being sharp-tongued and demeaning to others is clever and, finally, those who think it's compulsory to respond to absolutely everything whether they add value or not.

    Fortunately, on all fora I am part of anyway, the vast bulk of people are just fine. Those less so are readily identified and easily glossed over or, at worst, ignored. 

    I'm always grateful that words are read and chunks can be skipped where necessary, rather than having to be listened to. Forum avatars are useful as well, as the entire contents and offerings  of particular individuals can be completely skipped at a glance.

    Second Life goes on.

    • Like 9
  2. I have a number of HUDs which are attached all the time and are commonly saved as part of my outfits. Most are small, but the Maitreya HUD and the LeLutka HUD are always attached when wearing the body/head because there are some things I like to have at hand. Maitreya's minimised HUD is still pretty big, big enough to accomodate a little check box for ankle-lock without having to make several clicks to change that option. I have a separate ankle-lock HUD instead.

    On the Maitreya HUD all I want to access are the alphas due the irritating auto-alpha function built-in to many clothes. If I could save alpha sets within the Maitreya body and export them to a single alpha attachment then that would be of benefit.

    I wish LeLutka had a cut-down version of their HUD just for animations, so I'm not lugging the ins-and-outs of a ducks 4rse around all the time. Snow Rabbit has a separate setup/layer HUD and animation HUD. Far more convenient and thoughtful as I like to have facial animations at hand.


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  3. While focusing on a specific issue it might be an idea to lose the hair and perhaps angle yourself, or use a facelight, to get some light under your chin so the shadow does not distract.

    Just for information; your face skin will likely have NB and WB versions - No Brows and With Brows, respectively. You also list additional brows, hence double brows which are noticeable at the outer ends. I like thick brows, but just mentioning it.

    The order is important, or can be when you want one thing on top of another. Personally I always add the body skin first followed by the face skin. When body and face skin are a matching pair a neck blend isn't always necessary, but that doesn't stop me from adding it anyway.

    You can rearrange the order of worn BoM layers within Appearance -> Wearing - then click the spanner/wrench at the top right. Then click on the Up/Down arrows to move the order. So, body skin at the bottom, face skin next up, then neck-blend (if worn) above that. Above those could then be tattoos, makeup, hairy legs or whatever.

    From your image it looks like your neck sizes for body and head aren't exactly the same and don't match. Within the LeLutka head-HUD there will be an option to choose the body you are wearing (Maitreya). But this could be due to shadows in the image, or your hair, as mentioned earlier.

    • Like 2
  4. I wish Linden Labs would spend $18 


    .. are you tired of those useless topics that tells you nothing and has dozens of posts in one day ?

    This plugin will allow users (from selected groups) to ignore topics (on selected forums). Ignored topics won't appear in Activity Streams or search results.

    Members can manage their ignored topics on Accounts Settings.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  5. Very rarely do I ever have SL music or sounds turned on. I listen to my own music or watch videos on the side. I don't recall ever visiting a live event in SL either as they're generally not my cup of tea. I remember once sitting in the audience of something Strawberry Singh did but can't remember what that was about. People just taking and feeling important.

    From reading a few of the posts here it seems the tipping culture is very similar, if not the same, in SL as in RL. There's an expectation of a tip to cover the poor or non-existent wages of people working. Besides the DJ working at doing what?

    Also, any venue which has a welcoming committee that announces my entrance by name in local chat before the venue and patrons are anywhere near to being rezzed will likely have me moving on elsewhere. I just don't like having attention drawn to me in general and have much better use for the small quantity of Linden $ sitting in my account.

    Yes, I'm an absolute bundle of laughs, but I enjoy quiet more intimate gatherings or connections that do not include crowds, tipping, and faux fun. From time to time I get tipped for looking lovely in the form of L$ cash or Wishlist gifts. That's the only tipping I get involved with.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, HopeOakley said:

    .. a very elegant place with gold walls and classy decorations

    The male looks very smart, but sadly the female looks like she just rolled in from the local ore house.

    I prefer ballroom dance venues with a stricter dress code. It feels nice to make the effort, especially if everyone else has done too.

    .. and preferably with couples dances that don't reset themselves every 20 seconds.


    • Like 3
  7. Just as I would not declare my age or gender, or anything else personal, here within this or any other open forum, the same goes for all my 8 avatars within SL. Six female and two male.

    Whether here or in-game I am who I am. What other people think of me when I'm portraying any of my 8 avatars is their business, not mine, and one of my favourite things about SL is that I am the character my avatar represents. It is not my problem if someone doubts or even cares about the first-life human driver behind the avatar. I certainly don't care about theirs so long as they present well, it is not all about avatar appearance.

    I find it enjoyable and quite easy to adopt different personas, although undoubtedly there must be at least a little overlap when playing either of the males or any of the females. But they do have their own characteristics, personalities and styles.

    This all forms part of the joy of Second Life to me. Some of us have not just one second life, but also a third, fourth and fifth life etc.. It all depends on my mood and how I feel that day.

    I'm not spelling my first life out for anybody. As with most things in life your opinion is yours and it's up to you to make your own assessments and decisions based upon the avatar and the personality you see before you. And, again, in any life if something is not to your liking, vote with your feet. Stop over-analysing and simply move on.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  8. I imagine this would be quite some task, but surely items which haven't been bought in, say, 3 years, should perhaps prompt an email to the seller. 30 days no response then it gets deleted from the Marketplace.

    There is so much antiquated junk on there and times have moved on. It needs de-cluttering.

    Also, a way to report DEMOs that attempt to circumnavigate the 'Do not show: Demo items' option. Personally, I think DEMOs should only be linked via the actual item only so do not show up in search results AT ALL! 

    • Like 2
  9. Is there a list of attachment point priorities? .. It's something I've never really considered.

    Although I do consider attachment points when changing them for the same reasons Orwar highlights above.

    I adore bangs and eyelashes and this alpha issue has always been a disappointing nuisance, along with brows.

    I've also noticed that shortening lashes makes zero difference as there appears to be an alpha 'lashes-zone' which remains unchanged regardless of how long the lashes are. I've always tweaked the bangs just beyond that zone. Fiddly would be an understatement.

  10. Have you ever considered a laptop instead? .. You can use your original mouse, keyboard and monitor with it, if you wish, giving you two screens.

    The components within any decent name brand laptop will be matched and you also have the battery which is like having a built-in UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for power outages.

    Best models from last year will easily handle SL and many other tasks.

    It all depends on how much money you want to make available based upon how important a decent computer is for you. Only you can answer that.

    I haven't had a desktop PC in over a decade.


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