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Mario1 Plutonian

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Posts posted by Mario1 Plutonian

  1. Hello, before about 24 hours I bought lindens for the first time.

    I gave 20 us dollars from my credit card. It was written buying was ok and, of course, that money is not anymore on my credit card so I thought there can be problems anymore.
    ...but one day later I still don't see any amount of lindens on my screen.
    Some friends had idea it is there but not visible from some reason, so they gave me 6 lindens like gifts thinking all that money I have will not shown on screen...but no, it is not there. I even don't know whom to write...still if I gave 20 dollars and got nothing for it, no lindens, it is just fraud, as I see, right? Of course, I expect it will be solved soon, but I really insist to get any answer when I will have those lindens.

    Grateful in advance,

    Mario Knezevic

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