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Posts posted by l3m35

  1. 3 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    Even with a Black Friday sale for Cinnamon Chai, what if perhaps only one or two sold?  Or none even.  If you aren't a business owner through COVID and the war you may not know what it's like.

    These points weren't raised by the owner, and she was quite open about her personal life, so I think it's safe to say economic reasons are not the main one, or not at all. What I can say for sure is: if I had bought any of their bodies at the November sale, I'd be really disappointed right now - and feeling a little bit cheated.

    I don't see a moral dilemma here: if you know you're leaving a business where people buy counting on updates and support, you stop selling, don't sell even more and slam the door days later. Did she know she was going out of business in November? I can't affirm, but if that's the case, then it was immoral.

    • Like 3
  2. I've been around with different accounts for a few years and had the best possible impression about Slink. I knew about it only yesterday in a group chat and of course it's kind of sad and we can understand all sad reasons of the owner, but I couldn't not think how clients should have been warned way before, not like "we are closing today". As the owner told, things have been harsh for her for a long time, so I can assume she have been thinking about it for a while.

    If I'm not wrong (about the time, pretty sure it happened), they had a massive discount in November, half the price the entire store. It was marketed as a "once in a lifetime discounts" because well, they were closing so obviously it would be a once in a lifetime. I don't think this is very fair with clients who decided to buy and now have no support, updates or attention from developers in long term.

    Despite this, best wishes to the owner and good luck in future ventures.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Polenth Yue said:

    There's always a slim possibility that a very old piece of abandoned land remains somewhere with those settings, but I haven't seen any like that for years. These days, the default settings for abandoned land will stop people from using it as a free building area.

    Not sure if it's the same situation ("abandoned land"), but yesterday I was flying over the ocean north of Da Boom http://slurl.com/secondlife/Da Boom/128/128/2 when I see three or more green dots on my map. So I decided to go down and ask one of them why they were in the middle of nowhere, under the ocean. She said some people mark places like that as home, to have a lag and troll free zone to be.

    I had no idea this is possible and forgot to check the ownership of the region (since there's nothing there, I imagine it belongs to "Governor Linden"). My home is still the welcoming island.

  4. Hello, I'm writing about SL but I admit I still confused about some details, especially premium accounts. Maybe someone experienced here can help me.

    I understand that abandoned lands (accounts without regular payment) will be returned to "Governor Linden" ownership, right? So Linden Labs can do whatever they want, like auctions. Today (according to gridsurvey, not sure if it's a reliable source) there is around 21% of abandoned land on the main grid.

    But what about everything that was created/rezzed there by ex-owners? Like house, furniture, cars, etc? Are they returned to account's inventories? I'm asking because I use to fly over randomly, and I see a lot of what seems to be residential areas, parks, thematics sims, etc, totally empty, supposedly abandoned; sometimes very large areas with lots of stuff and no one around. Can I assume there is still someone paying to keep all those things there, or is it on Linden Labs "expenses"?

    Thank you.

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