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Rowan Roundel

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Posts posted by Rowan Roundel

  1.  Lumiya for Android can still be obtained, though not through the Play store. It works seamlessly. There are things that it can't do, obviously, but you can chat, change outfits, view the map, and move around in the world (though not at full resolution). It's been available on Android for years. If LL releases something with less features, and only for Apple mobile devices, that's kind of sad.

  2. Looking for a custom animation.

    Right hand hold a computer tablet as if reading. Left hand swipe and type at intervals. Would like it to work both standing and sitting.

    Repackaging a good book reading animation would be fine, needs to loop for as long as the tablet is in the hand.

    EDIT: Please message in world via message or notecard. - Rowan Roundel

  3. You've got DJ's, you've got hosts, you've got dancers... but do you have a dedicated barkeep? If not, let's get together!

    Able to work evenings (5 SLT on to midnight or 2 SLT). I'll help you keep customers engaged, and provide an enjoyable experience.

    Pay rate negotiable, pay frequency - weekly preferred.

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