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Everything posted by xMatcha

  1. I finally got a houseboat! ... Buuut it's not in an ideal location 😢 so I will be releasing it within the next few minutes or so. For those of you who want a houseboat but do not care about the location (it's surrounded by a bunch of houseboats at the sides and in front), get your mouse ready. Here's some pics of it (sorry for the quality lol)
  2. Thanks! And ahhh I see. I'm really grateful for all of you and your constant updates on releases and abandons (even though I miss more than half of them lol). I'm sure I'm not the only lurker here appreciative of all of your hard work, so on behalf of the other lurkers like me (who I'm sure agree), thank you! 😄
  3. Been a lurker here for a bit, waiting for a houseboat and anticipating releases along with you guys. Just wanted to say I was taking a peek around Everett and spotted Squeaky Mole walking around the neighbourhood a few minutes ago...perhaps double-checking everything before releasing the region (tomorrow maybe)? 🤔
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