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Everything posted by BlueXBeta

  1. I am not getting any metadata. nor a body in the http_response event. I do receive a 200 from the server. but that's it. All the data that I am requesting from the server is being sent back as post and i receive it as body text in the http_request event. And THAT body is always truncated to 2048 chars, as I found out. i wonder if i am missing something in the process. but thanks for your help.
  2. Well it seems to ignore my settings in the httprequest. it always caps it at 2048. hmm.
  3. POST is fine. I'm sending commands to a php file and that is responding back with data. Seems a bit safer to keep these commands and links hidden inside a body.
  4. thanks the script is in mono. The StringLength reports a number of 1900. there are some special characters in there, but the vast majority of characters is numbers and texts. But am I correct that these settings I have (MAXLENGTH 16384) should allow for a lot more text to come through ? I'm suspecting also a truncating on the server side somewhere.
  5. hi I run into the issue that the body of my httpRequest seems to be truncated at around 2048 characters. The HTTP_METHOD is set to POST HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH to 16384 and the HTTP_MIMETYPE to "text/plain;charset=utf-8" yet. the text arrives incomplete. I'm trying to trouble shoot where it is being truncated. But i can't find a tool to measure the actual byte size of the arriving body. thanks for any pointers towards how to get more characters into one body. best
  6. hi I saw on one of the linden sims a dialog box that was black. Is it possible that there is a way to style them a bit ? B.
  7. Hi all I was just wondering if there are any plans to update the llParticles with more refined functionalities. thanks B.
  8. interesting. I will dig into the code some more. thanks for the feedback bXb
  9. It is sent to a special channel at -7xxx range I see it only because of my llOwnerSay debug polling. So it wouldn't be a known behavior ? bXb
  10. Hi I wanted to share an observation with my script. It's a classic HUD situation with one object attached to the avatar and the other attached as hud. I am using llRegionSayTo to communicate between the two. Now during my attempts to streamline the code I noticed that my hud repeats the command it receives via llRegionSayTo exactly twice. The command is sent only once. Is that normal, or to be expected? bXb
  11. Hi I was just wondering, why are some players concerned about joining experiences? What are their concerns? thanks B.
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