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  1. Hi! So I just got a premium membership, and it said on the benefits, in place of a linden home you could get a land parcel. "1024m² tier allotment for use towards a Linden Home (subject to availability) or a parcel on the Mainland" How do you claim that parcel? Or do you go through a regular auction for it?
  2. So I have the slink physique body, and im having a bit of an issue. I followed the instructions to use the auto alpha mini hud on some jeans that Clip through my skin. When I use the copy of the mini hud on my outfit however, it does not apply the cuts to my body. Can anyone help?
  3. Its just kind of annoying to have to open the utilities hud and hide parts of my body and then change outfits and have to manually open the hud back up and reselect those parts so they show up. I might be missing something really obvious so sorry if I am. The hud is just very laggy for me and it would be easier if the cuts changed along with the outfit
  4. Actually what I found was the CATWA skins for mesh bodies (in my case, slink). It wasnt the Clef de Peau I needed after all. I got a demo of the slink skin and tested it out and the skin matched perfectly, so now im just waiting till I get some spending money to purchase the skin I need. I assume I saw the sign while I was looking at the male body section when I have a female body and got confused
  5. Actually what I found was the CATWA skins for mesh bodies (in my case, slink). It wasnt the Clef de Peau I needed after all. I got a demo of the slink skin and tested it out and the skin matched perfectly, so now im just waiting till I get some spending money to purchase the skin I need. I assume I saw the sign while I was looking at the male body section when I have a female body and got confused
  6. I was at the catwa store looking for a body skin to make my slink physique body match my Catwa head and came across a sign that says I need to use the Clef de Peau body appliers to match the skintone of the head I got. Where can I find this? heres the head im using https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-HEAD-Hanako/13603402 Edit: nvm I found the skin appliers for slink
  7. Thanks so much!!! The CATWA gift applier worked uwu
  8. So the eyebrows are coming from the skin on the head I figured out. Is there any way to fix this??
  9. So I bought a pack of eyebrows for my avatar https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/IDTTY-Faces-CUT-Bold-Eyebrows/10634216 but my avatar has default eyebrows already. I dont know if this is from the head or how to remove them. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-HEAD-Hanako/13603402 This is the head I have. Im wearing the eyebrow shape that comes with the head, but it doesn't seem removable
  10. So im new to secondlife and I've been working my way around learning, taking freebies, etc. I got some makeup and tattoo freebies, and they are a texture. I dont know how to apply this texture to my avatar. I've tried selecting my body and going to the edit mode and going to textures, but a little lock pops up over the texture box. Do i have to take my Slink body off or select an option in the SLink body hud??
  11. Hey! So im new around here. I just got an SLink body. Of course, the only things that fit this body are the SLink clothes, so my question is: Because clothing makers make for different body types and you buy them all together, should I delete the clothes made for the other bodies I dont have but came with the purchase?? I assume I can just reopen the original package if anything, but I wanna know what others do to keep their inventory clean
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