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Posts posted by Cordalynn

  1. Hello!


    I am not techy at all, I am not unfamiliar with technology but  I am confused. I bought the equipment (i hope) that I need to use to sing live. Hooking it all up and getting it to work in SL has me stumped, not sure how to start. I purchased samcast (not cheap) I have head phones (do I need speakers?) I have a reverb box, mic and a few other toys. Some say to download music on your phone? How does that get into SL? I have a laptop and a PC which combination is better? How do I link the set up? Halp! XD

  2. Hello all!

     I am hearing about Linden Labs completing a new TOS due to some kind of new money laundering laws being passed in the US. The requirements to buy Lindens will be to send Linden Labs a photo I.D to prove it you. This sounds like a scam..has anyone heard??

  3. Just now, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    Evangeline's answer is correct. They almost certainly have  banned you individually, presumably because of the earlier conflict, and banning individual avatars is allowed. 

    Thank you, I should have had the idea to banned them instead of asking them not to come on my boat.

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  4. I have one of the new Linden House boats. I also own land so I know about all of the things owners can do as far as keeping their property private. In the "Options" tab un-checking the "Allow everyone" section creates ban lines, how ever that option won't un-check for me and part of the covenant states you have to allow people to fly over your parcel. My neighbor has ban lines and they go up past  1500m. Can we use ban lines? Why can't I and they can? They were accessing my boat and when I asked them not to they denied it and said they were going to report me to the Linden for harrasment. I blocked them and did not reply to their comments but now I see ban lines. Any answers?

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