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Posts posted by XKibaxStarX

  1. 2 hours ago, Alexey Carver said:

    Somebody who not really care about them. Or not want to be involved. Like she. She just involved into this, because of her friend, as she explain it. You can see yourself that, just roll back a little.


    But i prefer to think, she knows that, just ask about if maybe there is some rules about it now.

    LL Never make a rule for that. :D They loose income if they do that step. :D

    We are fairly sure its the same person. The original person was banned, argued their ban, and then we got two other people that argued the ban afterwards. All 3 speak the same way. All 3 had different stories... One had a story about how they were their 3d modeling employer and wondering how their employee was going to perform for them... and who was going to cover the losses of their employee not being able to upload mesh. They also stated that rules dont matter to them and that if we banned "them" they could just come back anyway because they were a colonel in the LT. Army. Which they said that they were LT in the Army and other variations to other mods/admins. Then we got the "friend from the other room" (this account) which pleaded so nicely... but then made a thread about how tyrannical we are at this highly popular sandbox. 

    Someone commented about how maybe we are "racist" because of the other thread she made... We allow Human, Furry, and anything else... We want everyone to respect others... and rezzing a Pyramid that took up 1/5th of the sim (homestead) was too big to have right next to the social area, in which other people were socializing. This is where the mod asked them to move said pyramid.. and the person argued with them. Its clearly a rule and states that "If a build it too large, it may be asked to be moved to the sky platform"... but they didnt want to and then said something to the effect of "you think this causes lag? I can show you something that causes lag...." which is a veiled threat of griefing... so they were banned... For not complying with a mod on a common sense rule that is printed on a massive board that you cant help but see when you load in, for arguing with a mod making a reasonable request, and for threatening a mod with potential griefing of the sim.

    They then decided to pull this stunt of arguing the ban with 3 different people(discord and in world) to all admins and moderators online. Making ridiculous threats and general harassment. So we extended their ban by double the standard time. 

    Best advice i can give to anyone... Dont argue with mods, dont threaten mods and dont harass them. The whole thing could have been avoided if they would have just moved their mesh pyramid that they wernt working on and just had rezed out so people could marvel at it... as they had been doing for days now with other mesh objects they had created... and they would still be happy and socializing in the sim with everyone else. Instead they chose the hard route. Our mods and admins are usually fairly lenient and sometimes we even remove or lessen bans if on further investigation are not that reasonable. *Shrug* Sometimes people are just ignorant.

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  2. 56 minutes ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

    Do you know that you yourself were banned by a particular admin ? is this something you asked them about ? not all bans are bans by the people inhabiting the space at the time. I once tried to tp to an event run by a good friend, I was banned. I had never been banned before that I knew of anywhere. I asked the friend she came up with the name of the owner of the sim, I looked further did not contact anyone else, but then realised that one of the renters of a parcel on the sim was someone that had been declined group rights in something commercially related, her response to that - of which I had no clue of because I did not ever need to be there - was to ban me :D  This happened years before. The owner removed the ban when the friend told her I was banned.

    I have also seen sims with people on ban lists because they rented from a rental sim business, and previous renters had banned people,  those things do not usually get wiped away. So if you actually feel you have been banned from a location you have never actually been to or done anything on, then contact them politely and ask if it could be removed if you really feel you need to be there. 

    If they really do not want you there, then you have to reason that if you are a good person that you do not need them either. 

    Also in some cases someone reads cannot teleport into a region because it is closed to the public or under construction as a ban, make sure it is not just that.

    To clarify.

    8 hours ago, XKibaxStarX said:

    Originally banned for breaking the rules listed on the rule board, arguing with a moderator, veiled threats of griefing. Extended ban based on harassment from 3 different accounts to every admin/mod online.

    Yep, we are tyrants on this sim guys... watch out for us...


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