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Morena Tully

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Posts posted by Morena Tully

  1. I'd just like to say this is the theme I've been waiting for since Bellisseria was born, and it hasn't disappointed! I've lost interest in SL for quite a while, over a year, but when I got the notification from the LH update thread, I dropped everything and flew to the land page! After seeing the variety of parcels and the stunning community center, the urge to keep logging in is coming back, beyond the house hunting.

    I'm so happy there are 2 lot sizes, because the smaller ones really appeal to me, and I actually like the ones that are not on water better, because of the serene feeling landscape. There's definitely something for everyone in this theme, so thank you team Mole ❤️

    • Like 13
  2. It's like this. If you can't decide, you haven't found "The One" yet. When you find the one that stands out for you, there's no need to have any more. I got this houseboat Dec 22 last year, and haven't bothered rolling for houseboats any more, because there's no point.

    What I look for is uniqueness, surrounding area, and not being squished in. The direction the water moved was sometimes a factor too when I was boat hopping. It bugged me if the waves were going the wrong way! It doesn't matter so much on this island, but shoreline HBs triggered me if the waves were going away from the shore, lol.

    If sailing is your big thing, keep one if you face an open water region. I do like to sail, and my island HB has open sailing all around it exiting the parcel. I coveted this island before it released and watched it like a hawk. When it released, I got one on the shore, and I've never abandoned so fast in my life, haha.. Re-rolled, and landed where I wanted :)

    Fun times. Good luck!



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  3. I feel like if you ever *wish* you had two separate avatars, then you should do it. It's eating an investment initially, when you've had them rolled into one, but a few years down the road it'd be well worth it. I guess the most important thing is if you consider two genders as two identities, or one. Sometimes people want to separate the identities, sometimes it's just two different aspects of who they are on the same person. Sometimes it's both.

    I only have one male alt, only because I wanted to save his name, and I needed him to model some outfits for pictures. He's nothing more than a doll. In the end, it's all about whether or not you want to have two identities. Cost shouldn't be the reason.

    • Like 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, CarolynBrown1 said:

    can I sell the 1024 that was free from LL? It is added to my sim

    It's not very clear what your land situation is. LL does not give a free 1024, you still have to buy it, unless someone else gave it to you. It's the tier (monthly fee) that is waived. If you "added it to your sim" does that mean you own a sim, and the 1024 is deeded to the group, but is on mainland? You can still sell or abandon anything you own (including the free tier parcel), other than actual Linden Homes, which can only be abandoned.



  5. I'm just hoping the demo region is meant to show what houses are coming, and not what the surrounding theme will look like. When I think of chalet, I think of homes in the mountains. I'll save judgement for when they're actually released. There's so much potential, and usually what the region looks like means more than the house itself, as any hopper can tell you.

    • Like 7
  6. GoH was incredibly fun. Watching things develop was fun. Stalking region releases felt like a safari. Now I'm coming down off the high, and have lost all interest in SL. I know the flame will rekindle at some point. I'm looking forward to whatever comes after stilts, since those aren't my thing. Personally I have no problems with prims. Enhanced premium I don't really care about unless it means I can own a homestead. I'm not replying to whine to LL about the state of things because I'm positive they're working hard to do their best to give people what they want. And like Milk said, one day it's going to be all there is, the end. I just miss the challenge and excitement.

    I get the impression that things are just on a slow burn not only due to the cloud switch, but the whole future plans for SL with the change in ownership. 

    • Like 10
  7. What I did is not perfect, and you have to get just the right dimentions, but I put my camera looking directly down on the Linden terrain, gyazo'd what was my best estimation of what the complete texture square was, saved that to my computer then uploaded the texture to my inventory. It might be trial and error to get the right seamless texture, but this way works when you can't find an exact match.

    (edit) if this is considered stealing and against a rule, I'm sorry! I think it's ok when it's a LL texture?

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  8. Ohhhh your packet loss is HUGE and that's usually an ISP issue. If I get up to 2%, it's awful, and you're at 30%! I didn't see that before, but that's definitely a root of the problem. Try restarting your router for starters, if that doesn't help, there's sometimes things you can do, other times, it's out of your hands.

    • Like 6
  9. That's the region stats, not parcel, and I'm not sure why scripts run is at 48%, it should be at or near 100%. That's your lag. But the "spare time" is a very healthy 15.9.. that's the buffer, and with that much spare time, I don't know why your scripts would be running at 48%.

    Open your about land panel, and on the front page at the bottom, click script info. That will give your parcel usage. It should be between 5000 and 13000 or so for memory usage, and if you are the parcel owner you can see details for each active object. I can't explain why the other readings are off, maybe someone else can.

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  10. On 9/22/2020 at 7:20 AM, Elena Core said:

    I got my first home when Fofita was released, a beautiful Trad in a corner, really close to the beach.

    The garden had some massive rocks, but I was so happy I had finally got one, that I did not mind. 

    My first home was Fofita too! I think it had just been released because all the people there were just moving in. Plot was half sand, half grass, weird hedge placements, but like you, I was just too excited I actually got one to care. It was by the little pond there. When I was told it was named after a mole's cat, and there was a picnic area there with a kitty, I thought I'd stay forever. Well....

    • Like 9
  11. I'd like to see just one of the themes not follow normal. The whole "wide appeal" guideline has me worried there's going to be nothing for those of us who would like to live in something that would never be seen RL. There doesn't need to be 5000 of every theme they do, does there? A little creativity would be beautiful to see happen.

    • Like 7
  12. 19 hours ago, Eirynne Sieyes said:


    One thing... One of my parcels shows each item and how much it weighs! The rest, like your example above, don't. I don't think detailed display is related to script weight since they are all about the same.

    Does anybody know if there is a way to turn on full parcel script details?


    The owner of the parcel will always see details. My example was on a parcel that's actually owned by an alt. It won't matter what group settings are, if you don't own the parcel, you'll only get the basic info.

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