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Jaysson Turbo

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Posts posted by Jaysson Turbo

  1. I tried to follow some online guides but I'm not having much luck

    You see when I make a new Gesture and Rename it to anything I want.

    1. When I click Add ---> Animation or Add Sound---> I run into problems.

    With Sounds the Sounds to Play drop down box is None. No sounds to choose

    and with Animations there are plenty to choose but some animations I own don't

    show up in the drop down list? Do they need to be in specific folders?

    Using Firestorm latest release. Thanks.

    Nvm maybe it's the permissions? They were Copy, Modify but I guess I need transfer.

    That may answer most of my issues...  Okay my two problems were the Permissions

    and I did not know I had to drag and drop the sound/animations! I think I'm good.

  2. If one chooses to have a Lindin Home? Where do they end up? What is the name of Region or location etc? I'm not to much of a noon. I know they will go to mainland right? I'm just curious. This is not for me I already known Land in Adult. But I have a friend who would likely want a Lindin Home. Since I'm helping him he asked where it would be located. I have no idea. Thanks. Even if there is more than one location list any possible Region names etc if you can.

  3. Okay the title may not explain the situation well enough. Lets say you have plants or trees on your property. And the bigger plants cover the smaller ones. If I try to click on the smaller plants I instead ALWAYS click the larger ones. Up to now I have been having to select the larger PIRM (Tree etc) than move it out of the way. To get access to the other object/PIRM.  I have full Parcel rights I am owner.

    Is there any tool or menu that can show like all my items on a list and let me choose with one to go into edit mode. Even if I can't directly click on that PIRM due to the fact it's covered? Or any ideas or tips at all? Or am I just stuck having to move the other PIRM first etc. Thanks.

    I run into this issue a lot.

  4. Within 24 hours of me posting my original message here. My limit went up to 300USD. I did submit a ticket but the reply was no we can't increase your limit. I only wanted 150 USD. But the person said that it went up to 300 USD and that was automatic. lol So I now have more than I will ever need. Unless I win the lottery... If I win 24+ million dollars I'm going to own 1-3 Private Regions. And I will need a higher limit! lol But.... I don't see that happening.

    Thanks for everyone who helped. The moral of the story is it never hurts to ask Lindin Labs for help. They often won't raise your limit. But sometimes things still work out in the end.

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks pretty much what I have already done. Still good to know. And no you misunderstood one thing and that is my fault. What I meant is I was saying I wonder if there is a security system that can modify or add people to the parcel Not allowed list etc.

    And I thought to myself the only way such a script would probably work even if it was allowed is the owner of the Security Orb would probably also have to match the owner of parcel. But even still I don't think it's possible to script that.

  6. 1.I have two probably simple questions. 1st what is the max height you can exist on a Region. Private Region to be exact. Not build height. Height in general.

    2. Is there any sort of script or object that can edit your Parcel Always Allowed or Always Banned list? Thanks. Like if the object is placed by owner of parcel. I assume not but it never hurts to ask. I know all about security orbs and how they work etc. And they have there own scan, range, eject and ban. But I'm just wondering. Thanks.

  7. Thanks I may request a spending limit increase. All my alts are like 7+ years old. But I think they predated the current system so they are starting off with $100 a month limit. Which I normally don't use $100 a month. But I'm coming back for the first time so I am. lol I will probably submit a credit limit increase ticket. I won't use my alts as I agree it could be seen as a potential scam etc.

  8. Say you ran out of monthly Lindin. Instead of waiting a month for it to reset. Could you add the same CC to an ALT and buy more Lindin? Is this against Terms of Service. Many reasons I won't likely do this even if it is not against TOS. However I searched hard for the answer. And could not find it. I feel like Lindin would see this like it's some sort of scammer with my card. lol And they impose the limit for a reason. But you would think they would openly state don't use an ALT to bypass the limit. This is against TOS. And maybe they do. I just can't find it.


    P.S I'm not trying to exploit the system or find a loop hole. Which is why I'm asking this. Following the rules is my #1 priority.

  9. Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel?

    This setting obviously makes it so avatars on this parcel cannot be seen from any other parcel right? Does this setting also make all other avatars off of the parcel invisible from within the parcel? That's what I am noticing. If I'm inside this parcel and turn this feature on. Suddenly all the dots on the map turn into another shape. And even avatars 5 feet away from the parcel disappear? Is this intended? Thanks.  If it is intended I like the feature. But it's strange how it works. So it works both ways basically.

  10. I know if you turn on Ban Lines they do something. But in places where your not allowed to or in skyboxes that go out of Ban Line Ranges. Does the Always Allow or Always Banned list do anything? Most places security are managed by security orbs etc. And I know those have there own detection, white list and ban list etc. So I'm just wondering if I have to Check Mark everyone can visit is there a purpose to fill in Always Allowed or Always Banned? Thanks.

  11. Okay the title may not explain things well enough. First of all this did not happen to me or anyone that I know of yet. But it did happen to my Avatar in adult land. I was chatting with a friend and they were like your completely naked. And your hair is gone too. It lasted 30 seconds. They send me a screenshot to prove it. And I have noticed this on other avatars rarely. If this happens in a G area it's punishable or bannable I don't know how these things are handled. Temp Ban, restricted from G forever or perm banned etc. 

    But I never even realized this was an a thing really? I don't visit G often. And even M this would be bad too maybe not as bad depending on the situation or location. But G super bad... M still against TOS in most places. Does Second Life team realize that this can happen? Now I am using a fully detailed naked skin. If I were to use a doll skin no naked details would that be allowed than? Or better? 

    I can easily get a free or cheep doll skin and have a Costume called Doll Skin - Rated G. And use that in G or even M public areas. I can still make it look half decent. But most of my good avatars if the clothing does not load they are pure nude. And that is kind of by design because sometimes we want to see them naked? Can some people weight in on this? I'm not to worried. Been playing for years on and off. Never been reported. If I did I hope I could appeal and explain the situation. So don't look at this like I am panicking I'm only curious. I also don't want children to see it. Lets be honest I'm not only worried about my account. lol  

    Also - Avatar complexity was not that high. Not that it fully matters even if low complexity I imagine this issue still happens. but I imagine higher complexity increases the change of clothing to not load before skin does etc.



  12. 2 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

    To be precise, they are not forbidden.

    Nudity is not forbidden. You could run a nude beach on a mature sim...in theory. And you can have all the sex furniture you want in your private home. Doesn't even have to be a skybox and you'll find no regulations about how high/how secluded your love nest has to be. The only thing that is strictly reserved for adult areas is everything that is a business or open public area in terms of sexual activity. Best examples would be places were escorts work or people meet for public sex.

    Well I have read the guidelines and I think if anything only the sexual pictures on walls would likely break guidelines. And to be honest I don't even know if that would be something I would do. However maybe that is okay? People are giving different answers. But that's only because it is kind of difficult a lot of this wording in the official terms can be misunderstood. Either way thanks it's good to know that most or nearly all these things are fine under the right conditions. I.E Avatar marked as hidden helps.

  13. Thanks I'm going to read over the links and information.  I also found this post which is basically the same question. A little different though as mine included nude pictures on walls? Which can't be hidden with any sort of setting. But for now I'm going to assume it's okay. If I do rent land I'm going to be as careful as possible.


  14. Then why is there adult land? What is allowed in Adult Land and NOT in Mature? Well I guess adult land everywhere can have this content? Is that the main difference?

    Mature (Private Parcel, hidden out of way as best as possible) is equal to Adult area?

    Thanks for answer but I will see if others bring up anything.

  15. Oh man.... Guys! I it was mainly a question for curiosity sake. I appreciate the attention and feedback. To settle your imagination of why I'm so WORRIED! oh no... and what kind of region I'm renting... Well none... I'm not even sure I will be playing Second Life in 1 week or couple months from now. I used to own land many months(edit oops meant to say years.) ago. I have not rented land or owned land in a long time. I would need to be rich to own or rent a whole server. Well I could but it would be a big waste of money for me. I'm a noob. And I have no content to sell. lol

    I was just curious of some game features thats all. It's interesting. This game is quite complex and I could not get the answers somewhere else. If I was going to rent a place it would be in Mature or Adult area. Most places I find for any decent price is Mature. However I may not rent at all. Thanks! lol


    I respect and obey all rules of SL to the best of my knewledge. But I may ask about the rules in more detail if I don't know. That way I don't make any mistakes. I also respect any landlords rules too. Not just official staff.

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    • Thanks 1
  16. I know these types of things are restricted to Adult areas. However I read that if it's above a certain height in a Skybox out of normal view that is it allowed? You would probably also have to make sure your skybox has no windows or has one of those fake skymaps around it.  What I read seemed like an official source but could be outdated or I could be remembering wrong.

    I'm aware that you can camera scroll to basically everywhere.   Even more so with 3rd party clients. But I can't find anything official now? Most places you can rent forbid putting up the access lines that block entry. So the best I can do is have a very high sky box. That is 100% non-viewable from outside. You could still cam inside of it no problem. That is never preventable. I think there is a feature to make Avatars hidden right? So I could tick that option. Let me know if that option has faults though. Like is it full proof? Even if it is that does not change the rules... so my question is!


    Would any of the follow be allowed in Mature Mainland?

    -Fully Nude Avatar (Of course not a child avatar.)

    -Very sexually explicit items inside home.

    -Nude Pictures on walls inside home.

    -Sexual acts inside home.

    Is there anything else I could do to help? OR is Adult land the only option.


  17. If you rent land from a Sim Owner... Like many of those pay x/L Per Week. And you rent land per week.

    Here are questions I'm wondering about?

    1.Can the sim owner see the like a history log of every Object that was placed? Or only the current objects?
    Like if you put down a Bed. Can they see that name of the object etc? Even if you removed it?

    2. Can they get a list of all your Avatars worn objects and names? Like oh they are wearing such and such etc?
    Second can they see a log of items you changed on your avatar while on the property. So say you equipped
    a sword and took it off... could they see a log of that change of gear worn etc?


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