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Everything posted by LegitBonzai

  1. Before i spent to much money on the marketplace. I want to know if anyone on this forum can help me getting the right one. I am looking for a sit script with a menu, where you can adjust the sit of your avatar with a menu. Does anyone know where to get such thing?
  2. Do not give up on those kinda projects. These kind of things are very much needed. As a lot of people do not know how to code. Or simply just do not have the patient and or time for that. So please. The more people who work on these kinda things the better. And maybe you could work together with con?
  3. Dude. I dont think you realize how famous you are. So I feel very honored that you responded to my post! It would be nice to see if you ever get such thing out. As i simply do not have the time myself to write any lsl. I wish i did. I really hope you do not give up on this project. If it's going to be a thing i am even willing to pay for it if it gets more advanced. ItI feel very honored that you responded to my post
  4. So far of what i know his wishes are being blonde.. pale skinned.. but i also learned he most likely wants to be a femboy/cboy
  5. My boyfriend is wanting to make a good looking avatar. But we are so terrified to even uber-engage with this. Afraid to make mistakes. Just also for the fact that it could just cost a lot of money. And we are already not the richest. I would really appreciate it if there is someone who can help me and my boyfriend with this. Maybe there could be a small fee in return if expected.
  6. Hello I am trying to control my camera with xbox controller I used to do this in the past as well so i can smoothly record videos. Now i am working on a youtube intro and using sl to make one. Does anyone know how to realize this? Thanks
  7. thats funny. But its ment for a space ship. I got it working yall. So thank you
  8. I have been looking at this script. // Smooth Door Script - Version 1.2.1 // by Toy Wylie // Distributed under the following licence: // - You can use it in your own works // - You can sell it with your work // - This script must remain full permissions // - This header notice must remain intact // - You may modify this script as needed float openingTime=3.0; // in seconds float openingAngle=90.0; // in degrees float autocloseTime=15.0; // in seconds integer steps=4; // number of internal rotation steps integer world=TRUE; // align to world or root prim rotation string soundOpen="door_open"; string soundClose="door_close"; string soundClosing="door_closing"; float omega=0.0; vector axis; rotation closedRot; rotation openRot; integer swinging; integer open; sound(string name) { if(llGetInventoryType(name)==INVENTORY_SOUND) llTriggerSound(name,1.0); } openDoor(integer yes) { if(yes) sound(soundOpen); else sound(soundClosing); vector useAxis=axis; open=yes; if(!yes) useAxis=-axis; llSetTimerEvent(openingTime/(float) steps); llTargetOmega(useAxis,omega,1.0); } go() { if(swinging==0) { if(!open) { axis=<0.0,0.0,0.0>/llGetRootRotation(); closedRot=llGetLocalRot(); if(world) openRot=llGetRot()*llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,openingAngle>*DEG_TO_RAD)/llGetRootRotation(); else openRot=closedRot*llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,openingAngle>*DEG_TO_RAD); } swinging=steps; openDoor(!open); } } rotation slerp(rotation source,rotation target,float amount) { return llAxisAngle2Rot(llRot2Axis(target/=source),amount*llRot2Angle(target))*source; } default { state_entry() { swinging=0; open=FALSE; omega=TWO_PI/360*openingAngle/openingTime; llTargetOmega(ZERO_VECTOR,1.0,1.0); } touch_start(integer dummy) { go(); } collision_start(integer dummy) { go(); } timer() { if(swinging>0) { swinging--; if(swinging!=0) { float amount=(float) swinging/(float) steps; if(open) amount=1.0-amount; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,slerp(closedRot,openRot,amount)]); return; } llTargetOmega(axis,0.0,0.0); if(open) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,openRot]); llSetTimerEvent(autocloseTime); } else { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,closedRot]); sound(soundClose); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } } else // autoclose time reached { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); openDoor(!open); swinging=steps; } } } This is a simple smooth door script. As i saw the door rotating it goes left to right. But i want it to go up and down. How do i change axis? I have been looking at this part of the code And tried to change it. axis=<0.0,0.0,0.0>/llGetRootRotation(); But i think i am doing something wrong?
  9. I have been looking for smooth sliding doors for a while now.. and im getting a headache Can please help me out? I did found this: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Smooth_Sliding_Door and that works perfect for my project. but i found there is no sound in it.
  10. im going to give it a try... though. i dont like the fact they ask for my phone number. thank you
  11. I am using firestorm.. And i also forgot to say.. i am using this on a open grid i just tried it in second life. and it seems to work with no problem
  12. meanwhile i am making a project out of this: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_101/The_Structure_of_a_Script
  13. do in line 14,19 i get a error. Can you explain me whats going wrong here? string s = llLinksetDataRead(avatar); line 23,16: llLinksetDataWrite(avatar,(string)time); line 33,12 llLinksetDataWrite(avatar,(string)time);
  14. "empty LSD on startup" i kinda stopped using weed already... so i am good.
  15. See. i am already lost in what you are saying. 0.o my main language isnt english
  16. And its not that i dont want to learn.. I just dont understand this kind of code... Is it possible to have a timer in it? So people can only grab one copy per hour or something?
  17. Ooh yes. That works to. Thank you so much
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