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Everything posted by Vze

  1. Dude, you know what? You just *****ing saved my life! Thank you so much for all this, it works perfectly! I love you man! THANK YOUUUU <3<3<3
  2. I couldn't find the UUID of the LOCAL texture, kind of confused about it. What script am I supposed to drag into the cube? Omega scripts? Is there a way to find local texture UUID without doing that script dragging thing?
  3. I know how to upload local textures, i just don't know how to preview them on Belleza body as a tattoo.
  4. Hey, I know how to make tattoo appliers for Omega, is there a way to test tattoos on belleza body without paying that 10 L$ fee? It gets a little expensive to upload textures over and over again
  5. I did texture face to none, how can I set 32 bit rgba to 24 bit rgba on gimp? Are you sure if setting alpha type to none is all okay? The glasses i've been working on has 3 seperate textures, One for the left and right side and one around the lens and the lens itself. None of it has to be transparent except the lens and It seems like it's working properly after setting up the alpha type to none for those two textures. I also don't remember mixing transparent and non-transparent parts in my textures
  6. The picture you see have the exact same texture without any edit on the object itself, the one on the right is from Local which isn't uploaded and the one on the left is uploaded version. Does it happen cause i've been uploading them as .png? Does it happen cause of something else?
  7. Vze

    Full-Perm Policy

    I'm talking about the most success names, they are doing their own models I believe. I still feel kind of guilty for not trying to mesh and use something that was meshed by someone else.
  8. Vze

    Full-Perm Policy

    I guess I will keep the watches on my catalog, although it bothers me when i think about the fact that everyone is making their own meshes and own textures when i'm just re-texturing it. Thanks for those who answered!
  9. Vze

    Full-Perm Policy

    Why would people make bad reviews about it though? Also I personally think that everyone should put some credit to the full-perm creator in their description if the item is derived from another.
  10. Vze

    Full-Perm Policy

    What I created: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Premium-Rainbow-Watch/15835806 Orignal one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Full-Perm-Mesh-Mens-Watch-Fashion-Kit/4219491 I followed all the instructions and terms, it just makes me feel a little awkward when there's people out there both doing modelling and texturing by theirselves / Plus it's like, I remember that in Second Life policies, it says "You can only sell things you created."
  11. Vze

    Full-Perm Policy

    I have a really dumb question that I would like to ask; So basically, we are allowed to buy an item with full perm and if the owner grants us his permission saying that "You can do whatever you want with it, sell it, edit it. I don't care!" We are allowed to sell it on the marketplace right? Or even the ones that we purchase and read their terms. The stupid question is this: I have seen plenty of people buying and re-selling mesh full-perm clothing which is allowed I guess? But.. Isn't that whatever we have to sell on market has to be made by as completely? Like hundred percent ours?
  12. I don't know where to post an advertisement of my in-world shop or my marketplace. Any forums and/or threads available?
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