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Everything posted by VespertineAspergerianNincompoop

  1. I'm wondering which mesh bodies support alpha modes for emissive masking! I know that bodies that have modify permissions should be fine, but the only bodies I know of with modify permissions are Senra, Reborn, and Belleza ( with the Mod Advanced User version that comes with v6). The others would have to have a hud option for emissive masking- and I can't imagine too many would have that option since its not a particularly common need... Only ones I know of are the new Inithium / Sking bodies after 2.2! The use case for it, are skins and catsuits with glowing neon trim! Just earlier today, I was talking about doing a catsuit commission for a client! So to organize the bodies in a list, I think we have... ================================================ Can do emissive masking with modify perms: Senra Reborn Belleza (v6 Mod) Can do emissive masking through their hud: Inithium Kupra (2.2) SKING Hulixa Can't do any emissive masking: Maitreya Lara (But it can set an entire layer to glow!) Dev Nana ================================================ Can anybody think of any other mesh bodies that I can add to the list?
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