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Posts posted by elleevelyn

  1. 6 hours ago, brodiac90 said:

    So no female chest modesty layer on toddlers - that makes sense. I'm glad LL have been listening. 

    that toddler nipples are not to be accentuated doesn't preclude toddlers presenting as female still having to a chest modesty layer

    those who want to present as female toddlers might want to seek further clarification on this

  2. 19 minutes ago, Sadvhi said:

     If a child avatar presenting as a tween or teen can just use an adult body without modesty layers, it would defeat the purpose of the new rules, because that's the age group that most frequently tends to engage in activities that are against the TOS. It's not the toddlers who LL is worried about lol.

    just a FYI

    Linden have defined child avatar to mean all avatars that present as under 18 years of age. There is no distinction between a child, tween or teen under the age of 18.  All such avatars must wear a modesty skin

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  3. On 5/21/2024 at 8:47 AM, UnPandaRojo said:

    Hello to all.

    Could someone tell me which programming language most resembles LSL? Or what would be the best way to learn this language?
    I already know some basic concepts and I already wrote some little scripts; but I want to learn in depth the workflow, the tricks, the best ways to write.

    I've already tried watching YouTube videos and they're hard to understand for me that I don't have English as my native language and the automatic translator doesn't help much.

    The wiki helps too, but sometimes they have examples or very simple or complex.
    Then I find it an idea to learn a language that looks like LSL from some course and I would only have to learn the syntax of LSL; unless I can learn well in some other way.

    Thanks for reading me.

    the main thing is to learn event-driven programming (LSL is event-driven)


    i would suggest that you learn Javascript, it being event-driven capable, and there are a lot of tutorials, plus Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (free) has a javascript module. Becoming familiar with Visual Studio is always a plus, and Visual Studio can be used to write LSL scripts in place of the default LSL script editor



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  4. 3 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    LL haven't directly addressed that, but they did address a similiar situation where what would happen if a child avatar was reported for being a child avatar whilst wearing an adult avi. I would hope they would base it on what the child avatar is currently presenting as. 

    [14:51] Keira Linden: Jenni, if you are reported and you are in an adult avatar that is how we will evaluate the report.

    yes,  The rule is in-the-moment. What it says on our profile, or what we may have worn on a previous occasion has no bearing on  the in-the-moment occasion


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  5. 5 hours ago, Jasmine Hexem said:

    i'm asking because hardly anyone uses it to describe the houses in sl and i would like someone to explain for example 28.4 x 8 in simple terms to me, sorry.

    use a metric to imperial (meters to feet) calculator

    28.4 meters = 93.17585 feet

    8 meters = 26.24672 feet

    93.17585 x 26.24672 = 2,445.560445712 square feet

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  6. On 5/10/2024 at 1:30 PM, Freckles Fairelander said:

    I feel like if I am going to present myself as a teen (or younger) and am using what is usually an adult mesh body to do so, like Maitreya, it should be on me to find and make sure I'm using a compliant skin. 🤷‍♀️

    this is me. I will just be wearing my adult avatar outfits from now on when going to "A" regions

    the now rules are all pretty straight forward and not a biggie

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  7. i watched the vid of the townhall

    it came up lots in the chat from quite a few different people about baby girl avatars being required to wear a top. How having to wear a bra sexualises baby girls more than wearing no top. And because male/female/fluid child chests are all the same then o.m.g. how can we ever determine whats what

    is common sense not part of how we think about these things ?

    if the requirement is to wear a top, and the senra bra top teen example is the minimum, then isn't it common sense that a child avatar top could be more than a bra ?  Like it can be a singlet or t-shirt

    Keira Linden mentioned that she is going to recommend Linden relook at the top requirement re teens

    based on the community feedback at this townhall then I would not be surprised if Linden determine that all avatars that present as underage must wear a full singlet in addition to underpants regardless of gender

    the lack of common sense on display on this point from some of the participants in this townhall is pretty much nuts

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  8. On 5/6/2024 at 3:11 PM, Aya Sweetheart said:

    Maitreya just needs to add a disclaimer "for adult avatar use only" and if someone misuses the product, that's on the user.

    this might be a step to far I think

    i don't think any creator should have to say in their advertising what something they make is not

    what creators should say is what their product is. Like: this product is child avatar compliant.  Nobody should have to say in their advert: This product is not child avatar compliant

    • Like 5
  9. 3 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    I never talk with other people in RL about Second Life ever. I don't want them around in SL as well.

    same. Last thing I want is to hanging out in a virtual world with people I already meet with in my RL

    on the few times I do get into a convo about online games and SL comes up then I just say is pretty much about making stuff and lots of old people. After that is only old people creatives who want to talk more about it. And is no surprise when they say they already know about SL

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  10. 27 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

    Now - if this was a short, flat-chested, acne-ridden, braces-having, pigtail-wearing, Trapper Keeper holding avatar sporting a backpack, I might have a different opinion. But I don't think height is ever going be be the determining factor. 

    lucky for me then that I am not short. Altho tbh I have no idea what a Trapper Keeper is altho I do have a backpack. And neko ears and neko tail and chibi wings. But I am not short so I am good yes

  11. On 5/7/2024 at 11:52 AM, Persephone Emerald said:

    So, does the "modesty layer" rule only apply to creators of bodies and skins marketed for child avatars? And if so, is this restriction really just for PR optics?

    pretty much yes. Is not just for PR tho, is about the platform owner making a reasonable effort to comply with RL legals in the world markets where they operate

    is pretty simple tho really.  We can't make avatar accessories and sell them as child avatar accessories when they are non-compliant

    ps as others have mentioned already, that a person may obtain non-compliant accessories and apply them to their child avatar just because they can do this technically doesn't make it an issue for anyone other than that person

    pps. For sure some avatar accessory makers are going to have to look at their previous marketing promotion/presentation practices but that's about it really. Some skin makers will make underwear compliant child avatar skins, and others will not, dropping out of promoting their wares as suitable for child avatars


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  12. 5 minutes ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

    It's all very nice to say but I think we need to remember that LL employees are humans and thus exactly as flawed as every other human. People are always going to favor those close to them for opportunities and awards. Of course I'm going to say that my pet charity should win a free region, just like you think yours deserves it.


    Is it fair? Nope, but that's how society tends to work. People give favors to those they like. Some oversight might help but conflicts of interest will happen. 

    this is only true in a private capacity.  When we are an employee or a member of a professional body then we are bound by the code of conduct that applies to us, either employer or profession body

    when we breach the code of conduct then we are typically gone. Where it gets messy is when the employer or profession body doesn't enforce their own code of conduct

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  13. 28 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    So in the interest of me understanding would this avatar now be banned as of 6/30 unless the avatar maker released a skin or the body with a modesty panel?


    If so then LL needs to take things like this OFF the marketplace so that people don't buy it thinking they are able to use them.

    I don't think LL thought this through enough.

    Linden have thought this thru

    any child avatar content which is not compliant with the new rules has to be withdrawn from the market. Linden will (like they always do in change times) allow some latitude for the adjustment to be made but in time all non-compliant content will no longer be available for sale

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  14. 14 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Child avatar content creators are required to add a modesty layer which is baked into child avatar skins or bodies, is not transparent, does not match the skin tone, and may not be removed.

    i probably going to get AR'd for wearing layer undies when weeding the garden at this A rated venue where I look after the grounds by some rando who goes o.m.g avatar undies !!! must be a child !!!!


  15. 1 minute ago, Rathgrith027 said:

    I never said you didn't - but again, what you assume from what you perceive is inherently subjective.

    we have a responsibility to those we share SL with.  I am going to put a few more outfits that I have into my "G" only inventory closet, outfits that are now even closer to the line for "A" regions given this latest policy change.  Linden are asking me to take this responsibility on myself, and I am going to do that

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Rathgrith027 said:

    What's 13 to one, is 15 to another. What's 19 to one, is probably 17 to another. I understand *why* we have an ***** ban. It doesn't make it any less of a nonsensical *****show to enforce, though.

    just on this

    in the RL the authorities work on the under 16 over 18 rule.  For the largest number of people there is a big gap between the two in appearance

  17. 4 minutes ago, Rathgrith027 said:

    Unfortunately, opinions are like agents - everyone has one, and they're all different.

    well as a brat neko of longstanding, and involved with a adult venue also of longstanding populated by people deep into bondage and submission both virtually and in the RL, I think I am quite well qualified to know a minor when I see one

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  18. 11 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    As to what constitutes a child avatar, perhaps I may contribute an insight about prosecutions involving indecent images of children under 18 in the UK, something of which I have some professional experience from another life.

    The point about parliament fixing the age as 18, even though our age of consent is 16, is that, unless the prosecution can prove the identity and birth date of the subject of the photograph, it's up to the jury whether they can be sure or not that the subject wasn't 18 at the time the photograph was taken.     Since a juror can't be sure that the image isn't of a young-looking 18-year-old rather than of mature-looking 16 or 17 year old,  there won't normally be a prosecution when that doubt exists.

    It's only when the police and prosecutors feel confident that jurors will take one look at the photograph and say "no way is s/he  18" that there's chance of a prosecution.

    I would hope LL will take a similar common-sense attitude to enforcement. 

    this is pretty much also how it works where I live (NZ)

    adult is 18+.  Underage is <16.  Police go after those who are clearly not 18+ looking. For sure there are some people  who do look young, but they do have to prove it legally when questioned

    in SL where we can we wear anything we like, we don't have any way to prove anything. So we left with how we look to a reasonable observer.  I do not find it reasonable for someone to tell me that my avatar looks like a 19 year old going on 13. Nor would I find it reasonable to tell someone else that about their avatar.  If it looks like a 13 year old duck then is a 13 year old duck. Trying to tell me that you are actually 19 really really somehow, doesn't change what I can see: a 13 year old duck

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  19. 12 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:


    I didn't read it so I don't know if there is anything in it with which I disagree.  I was simply expressing the impossibility of not wanting to go into SL again.

    am a bit the same.  TLDRCABR (too long, didn't read, click anyways, because reasons) 😸


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  20. 2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    *A tangent: I don't think we know how much equity the Lab might still hold in Thunes' ex-Tilia business unit (nor who else might still have a share). Do we? Thunes clearly bought the controlling stake, but I somehow don't think the asset is simply blended into their operational accounting.

    i read on Inara blog that there is going to be some kind of townhall on May 20 where we may get some further tea leaves to ponder

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  21. 1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Their [Thune] main goal in buying Tilla appears to be a quicker, easier, and cheaper way of getting 48 Money Transfer Licences in the USA, than doing it them selves from scratch.


    1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    What's REALLY interesting is that their fees on that guestimated $15 billion a year are apparently SO LOW, that they have to rely in $60 million handouts from hedge fund investors who've believed Thunes website spin, in order to fund their expansion. That doesn't sound like a "successful business" to me. Why are they not making enough money to pay their own way?


    $60 million is not enough investment to become the Bank of the Metaverse. Can add another zero to that amount to have any shot at this.  By acquiring the US licenses it makes $600 million in capital raisings a lot more achievable. And I would be surprised if the Linden shareholders haven't acquired a stake in  Thune as part of this deal


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  22. 11 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

    SL has always been their baby and their cash cow. But they have a really hard time letting go of other projects they have done. Both Sansar and Tillia have run LL dry and they are selling it.I think that with this new capital, they need to invest in rebuilding SL from the ground up. 

    And this is not a partnership, it's an acquisition. So once all the bureaucratic BS is done, Thunes will be the new and sole owner of TIllia. 

    I think when we consider what it means to be a cash cow company from the traditional investment pov then divesting Tilia makes sense. The divestment  re-focuses Linden Lab on its core mission - to build and maintain the Second Life virtual world - Linden Lab serving no purpose other than its core mission - selling a mature virtual world premium product for a premium price to a mature customer base, willing and able to pay premium prices for what they want

    the danger for single product cash cow companies is when their customer base ages out - the rate of customers aging out exceeds the new customer accumulation rate. The biggest danger to this balancing act is when the company over-innovates the product. Over-innovation can lead to the product losing its traditional appeal/lustre borne of history to its longtime customer base. Retaining an existing customer base is the major consideration driver for cash cow companies selling a mature premium product

    this is not to say that all innovation is ruled out. Is just that what innovation is introduced is done carefully to not break lustre. And to be fair to Linden they have always understood this. So the incremental approach to SL innovation. I can't see this changing. If anything the divestment of Tilia reinforces the incremental approach

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