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Posts posted by libbberamente

  1. I'd like to know if it is possible to add my gallery

    to the destination guide or to the events...

    the gallery is in skybox

    about 2500 mt (44x54x21)

    I pay a rent - I might become a friend of the owner and I am in the owner group that give me access to the whole area

    I do not sell anything 

    is inside a kink sex area (but the gallery it is not sexi at all)

    the event will go for 4 days every month

    or one afternoon every month

    but the gallery will be open 7/7 24/24

    the owner of the land agree with this initiative

    but is not willing to do all the employee work.

    I read all the guides and it is not clear...

    could he add my gallery to the destination guide

    in the art list? separate from his sex hotel?

    the lm is as follow:

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isle de Amor/181/184/2410


    I'd like to found out any way to spread the info to all inworld :-)


    lucido logo scritta blu su grigio.png

  2. in order to change the channel in use by my builders buddy should I just change the number inside the script?


    // by an Avatar talking on obscure channels
    integer DefaultPRIMCHAN = -192567;     // Default channel to use
    integer PRIMCHAN = DefaultPRIMCHAN;    // Channel used by Base Prim to talk to Component Prims;
                                           // ***THIS MUST MATCH IN BOTH SCRIPTS!***



    // by an Avatar talking on obscure channels integer DefaultPRIMCHAN = -2147483647; // Default channel to use integer PRIMCHAN = DefaultPRIMCHAN; // Channel used by Base Prim to talk to Component Prims; // ***THIS MUST MATCH IN BOTH SCRIPTS!***


    and then save the script?


    I refer to:


    and to:



    can you please answer in standard english? I am not mother tongue

  3. in any case an international service require one international language...

    actually the international language is the english...

    before it was french and much before it was latin. travelling in Asia required to bring a member of the  jewish religion to speak to the local jewish that translated it in the local official language. I discoverd this in same old book but I do not remember wich one.

    so we need english as an international language and we need it is the same everywhere as it takes same time to learn it.


    you can translate the notecard with the rules with a translation service like google translate but it will not resolves the problem that you indicate:

    - there are same english speaking persons that are racists... they are racists - the other ones are not

    we should not talk to them as they where identical....


    - there are same american people who are too much nationalists.... they are nationalists....

     - there is same people who refuses to accept the peace in second life and refuses to combact in the combact areas... they use their sims as a trap and you are the bird - sort of

    maybe they tell you that is because you are a foreigner but they simply are criminals,... that try to hide themselves... their activity and so on


    there is a problem


    I am not sorry because my english it is not perfect and I do not worry to correct this post :-) 😂

    my second life name is  - free (libbberamente)






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