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Posts posted by HajraLegacy

  1. 23 minutes ago, HajraLegacy said:

    @Xiija well I actually used what you said in earlier posts to get to where I am with this script, so much appreciated for that. I'll have a look at this video but I'm not certain it'll help me out if I am not that knowledgeable about code in general lol.

    I guess I'm not certain how I can get multiple results with multiple llHTTPRequest 's and .. http_response if's. I used your method with the markers to get a good, solid key that I want but with the separate request, it keeps spitting out the same key even though I've assigned a different url, etc to that response. Any ideas what I can do with that? I've worked so many hours on this script (I was originally trying to use notecards but that wasn't working with me either.) @Xiija

  2. @Xiija well I actually used what you said in earlier posts to get to where I am with this script, so much appreciated for that. I'll have a look at this video but I'm not certain it'll help me out if I am not that knowledgeable about code in general lol.

  3. Hi there, @Xiija. I have been following along with the Google Sheets data storage method and got at least one URL to work (Kinda), but I cannot for the life of me get a second one to work. Can anyone help me? I read that you should wait at least 60 seconds for the next request, which is fine - However I noticed that even when defining my separate URLs, I receive the same response from the first URL even though I am requesting data from an entirely different cell. What do I do? (FYI I am not very script savvy, but I try!)

    On 2/15/2019 at 6:04 PM, Xiija said:

    so, a kinda hacky trick... when you send your data to the form, use a "marker"

    your marker could be anything.. like .... ~start~  or .... ~end~

    in this example, i used something easy to find.... @!@ ..... was my marker.

    so if the data you send is ...." HTTPtest 2-16-2019"  ... just add your marker to that to get...

    @!@HTTPtest 2-16-2019


    on the sheet, my cell ... ( c6) ...looked like this ....

    @!@HTTPtest 2-16-2019

    string sheetID = "1MNKwhVqK8U8urzTWa_q0YtlGnYVn7SnICZBylstR2KE";
    string sheetURL = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MNKwhVqK8U8urzTWa_q0YtlGnYVn7SnICZBylstR2KE/pubhtml?gid=653993593&single=true&gid=0&output=txt&range=C6";
    key selfCheckRequestId;
        touch_start(integer total_number)
        {  selfCheckRequestId =
            llHTTPRequest( sheetURL,
            [HTTP_METHOD, "GET",
            HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 16384],
        http_response(key id, integer status, list metaData, string body)
            if (id == selfCheckRequestId)
            {     string marker =  "@!@"; 
                  integer start = llSubStringIndex(body,marker);        
                  integer end = llSubStringIndex(body, "</td>");     
                  string fetch =   llGetSubString(body,start + llStringLength(marker), end-1);             
                  llOwnerSay("\n response: \n" + fetch);

     the inworld response from putting this code in a box and touching it was...

    the value of cell c6 (with the marker bit removed)

    as i said , this is hacky ... it may break depending on where "</td>" appears on the sheet...

    you ~could~ add an ending marker to your sent data ... mebbe it would look like ... @!@HTTPtest 2-16-2019 @!!@

    to make is more safe to parse?

    the NEW google stuff has an API ( you have to get a key) ... https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/



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