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Everything posted by WidowPuppy

  1. Hey Bree. =} Thanks so much for all the info, will keep this all in mind while on the hunt. And def out of the corners, cause don't need more lag than SL already provides when running in a higher quality, lol.
  2. Until I find my own place, this is what I've been doing. Works for now. Just hopefully if i get my own place, things like lighting set ups and stuff can stay where i left them until i clear them out myself.
  3. Hi Tari. :] Yes, the dwellings, lol. I just want to make some lovely images. This sounds perfect for my needs. So... will google for some empty parcels, and blank skyboxes. Feel free to pm me the suggestion you had, if that's allowed, or you're okay with that. Otherwise, I will do some searching on my own. Much appreciate all the info guys. Yeah, this sounds like it is what I am looking for, an empty skybox. Did here you could have some graphical errors if forced to spawn the skybox too high, so will look out for that as well.
  4. Okay Cindy, thank you. I will look into this option today, and any others that might be posted. This is good to know, thanks again.
  5. Hey Cindy. =] Well... The price isn't too much of a concern, as long as it's fair. And just didn't really wanna pay for stuff I don't need, like a house, or furniture, or preset backgrounds, or dance moves [lol] etc... Just want to know my best options [i guess linden dollar wise] for a decent amount of space to set up a studio when I want to shoot some stuff. I just keep hearing about houses and apartments, which would all be a waste for me, as I'm more interested in green screening or creating my own scenes with my own backdrops and objects.
  6. Hey guys, girls... =] Relatively new to SL... enjoying it so far. Was curious about what my best options are for my own uncensored/adult space. Don't really want a house or anything with objects inside already. Just wanting a space where I can freely rez things, like a skybox, studio things, lights, backdrops etc. Somewhere where i can photograph my char, preferably with no skybox or nudity restrictions. Not sure what my best options are for this. But lately I've been just going to public sandboxes and turning prims into green screens, only to have people just walk up into the scene and stand there, lol. Trollin me I guess, hehheh. Any insight is appreciated. Basically just looking for a space to create my own studio whenever i want without any interference, and hopefully a nice amount of prims that i can put down and no skybox restrictions. What/where do you guys set up your studios for photography, is it the best bet to have your own space for this or?...
  7. Hahhah. At first I thought I might not have an option but to do so, lol. Hi Skell. I very much appreciate you extensive and informative explanation. I am indeed using a Catwa Bento, Catya atm... I did clear all the layers, so I thought. But... Never realized that the upper and lower layers needed to be cleared. I had just assumed that clear meant that specific area in it's entirety. Thanks for clearing that up, will now know for future instances where this might occur. I'm only 6 days old in SL, maybe 7 today hahhah. Enjoying the experience so far. A lot to learn, which I also enjoy. And lots of screenshots to be made. Great product you guys have there. Used to working with high poly heads and sculpting manually by manipulating verticies, or just with sliders. But, what I'm not used to... is having several different variations to choose from. This is fantastic! Thanks again Skell. And sorry for the late reply. Just got back to the forum now.
  8. @Ceka Cianci There was a reset ALL which I overlooked. You are godsent. Thank you so much, and, wow, I'm such a noob.
  9. Unfortunately that wasn't a fix for her new unwanted tatoo, as far as trying to clear make up layers. Have several chars made so far with diff shapes, and they all use diff skins that i've organized into folders. No matter which one i choose, char or texture, the Demo print remains.
  10. Yeah, I didn't think that possible either from some experience texture editing. Thanks for the reply Ceka. I did try clearing my blush and lipstick layers, lemme go back in game and clear them all and see if that helps. I have switched skins though from this demo back and forth with other demos and non for some comparisons. And the text did not remain while doing so then, while my other appliers did. Gonna hop in game and pray that works, cause nothing else seems to so far hahah. Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside lol.
  11. From the info that was available to me by doing a little googling. The two things I've tried so far are clearing the cache, and rebaking textures. Non of which have worked. From what I read about clearing the cache, instruction wise... I should go to a quite location when logging back into SL and go to my inventory/recent items, and wait for it to repopulate. Well... there currently is no repopulating cause all of my items seem to be there anyhow, tried it twice already, but perhaps I'm overlooking something. Apologize for my noobness, I'm an SL infant, lol. Really enjoying the game so far. Aside from the fact that now all my saved shapes and skin, non demo, all say Demo on the right cheek. HALP!
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