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Posts posted by GeorgeStarbuck

  1. AngelStar42 you are smart. You pay 3 weeks of rent in a place you can get away with SPAM, You know that it is SPAM as you actually target people, but you do not spam the SIM owners (as the incident was triggered by a alt, as you say. How are you sure it is an alt, makes me believe that you know what are doing and are not a poor newbie, then you come to a forum to get support. I am sure that you did more then IM a few people, in order to get the owner anger. Regardless of the idea that owners will ban you just because is actually not valid anymore, basically because you need to pay the tiers, and currently banning someone that paid 3 weeks of rent, means that now there is an empty lot and it can take sometime to get any revenue out of it. So I do not believe your story your innocence and your newbiness. I also do not believe that you were banned just like that without warning or just because you IM once someone. I am pretty sure some of your neighbors have also complained about your acts to the owner and I regret to inform that ALL Estates have now a no refund policy which you have agreed either by accepting the covenant or the NC which is sent when renting. Take care and find a new way to promote your events.

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