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Everything posted by soysoloyo

  1. thatks both for your answers and time
  2. Well as a dj in sl there are people who dosent like you, and sometimes there are poeple who see you as an enemy, so i dont know is there are any way to stole my account i heard some stories about it, i just want to keep my money safe.
  3. Zoxin thanks for your answer now thinking in a number huge amount could be? 200,000 lindens? more or less?
  4. Fionalein, thanks for your answer, do you know if there is any transfer limit or something? i don´t want to have any problems with it and again ty
  5. Hello, i need to know if i can use an alter account has a personal bank and if that dosent broke any linden lab rules or something? and if i can do that... is there any lindens transfer limit? sorry about my english is not my first lenguage, and thanks for the people who answer.
  6. Buenas tardes quiciera saber si para seguridad de mis lindens puedo transferirlos a otra cuenta y usarla como una especie de banco, quiero saber si esto no rompe alguna politica de linden lab y si existe un limite de lindens que pueda transferir a este alter muchas gracias.
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