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Ipecac Burnham

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Posts posted by Ipecac Burnham

  1. Just now, CoffeeDujour said:

    Will you just take a shower or something, sheesh. Literally no one else brought anything like that up, no one else was even thinking that.  

    Well I've explored our grid enough to know what Residents do.

    So yes, my mind is fully aware of our surroundings, if yours isn't then that's fine, I didn't bring your habits into question because of a completely off topic, memory of events.


    Perhaps people should go look around more and get out of your skybox where you take your blog shots.

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  2. 1 minute ago, paragonfanfare said:

    Neither did anyone else's.     It's curious why you keep bringing it up.

    It didn't?.

    26 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    What kind of stores and clubs do you inhabit, anyway?  Or maybe it's better that I don't know.


    Should I give said inference and implications the answer she clearly expected for shock value?.


    In a world full of RLV forced sex, underage avatars and those supporting, profiting from and encouraging it...


    Yes, someone did.


    Or are we all so blind to what happens around us we'll refuse to acknowledge that too?.


    I joined in, said my part, there was no reason at all for that question other than to cause offense, and it succeed.


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    How is it that I totally missed this?  What kind of stores and clubs do you inhabit, anyway?  Or maybe it's better that I don't know.

    What kinda question is that?


    Just because you never found a thing, it must never have existed and anyone who found it is a pervert?.


    You jump to that?.


    Everyone I knew at the time hated them too, they were in sandboxes, biker clubs, bars, speak easy's, peoples houses, they were new so people got the new toy for a while.


    I even found them on beaches, some people even made caves for them, always with a red floating hover text health bar.


    No wonder our grid feels so empty.

    • Confused 4
  4. 1 minute ago, Blush Bravin said:

    I didn't realize there was a difference. Still not sure what you are referring to though. How are they different?

    one spams llSetText() on a timer, the other spams llSay() on a timer to trigger viewer commands via RLV with listens as far as I can gather.


    No doubt making a lot of traffic as all our viewers are exchanging info about what tag's you can and can't see on nameplates, I dunno how the viewer handles it but this was bound to happen.


    Never mind that it's incredibly annoying trying to talk to someone using it...

  5. 3 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

    Been here forever .. well seems like forever. I've never encountered this at any time. I'm not a fan of zombies so I would remember if I had run into any and especially if they were the biting kind!

    Lucky you.


    I do.


    I still see them, though only as a game rezzer now, never wild roaming zombies sending you home.


    God I hated those things...

    • Like 1
  6. I remember exploring SL a few years back, and for a while every club, every store, every chat spot had a zombie... if you didn't shoot it and it "bit" you 3 times you got TP'd home, damage on or not.


    None of them ever put out a rezzer to get the gun from... so it ended with lots and lots of empty clubs and stores and bars and builds... I remember one place I tried to buy a dress, I ran back in 3 times trying to get to that darn vendor with no luck.


    I stopped exploring for about a year after that... got tired of being booted by prims I didn't wanna fight, please don't do it again.

  7. I treat people here like people which in and of itself is kind of rare it would seem.


    As a mostly Human avatar lately who spends a lot of time fully clothed and in G/M places to avoid the worst of it most days, I'm very seldom treated like a person by any avatar, as such I'm maybe more abrasive now than ever as when you're entirely objectified by all creeds of all ages your reactions leave much to be desired by those seeking them.


    Many here simply have no regard for others, or their shape as it's "just a game" and they are here for themselves.


    We're all here for ourselves, no one is forcing us, but how we treat each other governs how we're treated, avatars are just meshes and textures that maybe 75% of people can't see because of crushed LOD's, 32 metre/unit draw distance and all settings on the lowest of the low with only friends enabled in Firestorm.


    Yes, I'm kinda jaded lol.



    • Like 2
  8. 41 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

    how do upcoming Linden Lab projects affect your spending here in SL?

    They don't.


    What greatly affects my purchases are purely Resident based.




    Does it have LODs?.

    Is it yes modify?.

    Is it No copy?.

    Will I have to buy two other HUD's just to use it?.

    Does the script in it crash?.

    Does it force me into an Experience I want no part of?.

    Is the creator someone I am willing to support?.


    I'm entirely looking forwards to LL's new stuff but if I see a cool toy, I'm gonna get it.

  9. Just now, Griss Alexandre said:

    Do this with a LAQ head, and you will have a little white box following you.  

    And this is why we alpha our roots...


    I'd send said creators a polite notecard asking for one that doesn't have a prim perhaps, or.. try another spot like a pec or upper leg if it's not offset from <0.0,0.0,0.0>.


    Failing that... buy yes mod hair, move that and alpha the root yourself, or unlink it!.


    There's no reason I can see that a rigged mesh needs a visible linked prim root unless maybe masking creators yet I can't see bigger brands needing that either.


    The joys of SL.


  10. To fix it atleast temporarily, right click your item in inventory and select Add > pick a slot you never use, like.. right hind foot, if it's rigged, it doesn't matter the weights will position it correctly.


    Once you use Add, then detach and wear it again, it'll remember the new slot/location.


    This happens a lot with bodies and heads, because Heads and Hair all get lumped onto the Skull point by creators, heavy downloading head + hair on the same slot and this is bound to happen.


    For bodies it's the same, AV Center and Pelvis is where they go as a rule by makers... but every wearable pet or toy goes on AV center, and pants and smalls go on Pelvis.

    • Like 2
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  11. This link is an imgur link, as it's a temp album of my week testing in blender after figuring out the constants.


    There's 2 things I learned very fast, renaming the bones breaks everything, and changing the parenting structure breaks everything.


    This is entirely in blender.


    My next step hopefully is to learn enough python to bypass misnamed bones entirely in it's export loops, to both strip out my control rig - saving the need for a second target rig in the scene, and being able to throw a warning to myself that this "probably won't upload".



  12. I've been playing with python and such for my own .bvh exporters lately and looking into various open source .anim exporters, and seems even the blender foundation's bvh exporter has comments specific to SL that state it's expecting, or was, a strict ordered list of names.


    No documentation I can find anywhere released by a Linden says anything similar.


    I'd also take the xml's with a pinch of salt because as far as I can tell a lot of that stuff gets ignored at the viewer level to stop us setting everything to priority 5 and 6.


    Most all released content from LL names the hip as "mPelvis" , I'd strongly advise keeping it that way, as .anim is very seldom needed now that a .bvh can honor translation info, and we've no idea what the internal converter is or isn't doing when we upload them.


    I can't check the .anims on the wiki as they are binary and cannot be opened as text.


    In short, if you work out the horrible scale and rotation conventions expected by the rig, a .bvh from the wiki ruth will export and upload just fine, with no need for .anim at all that I can find unless getting at priorities 5 and 6 somehow.


    If rename the mPelvis bone to "hip" I get the error too.

  13. 2 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

    This is wrong, unfortunately. The primary name for the root bone in the BVH animation standards is "hip" even though it is stated that there are a few accepted aliases, including mPelvis. If the aliases may work using BVH, certainly it doesn't when using the .anim format and in such case mPelvis is the only correct name. But the problem here is another...

    Good to know, care to share any info about it as it's not publicly available that I can find, nor seemingly anyone else.

  14. Browse the MP.


    Click the Apparel link.


    Once in, set filters to full perms, mod copy and transfer all checked, and refresh it.



    Important step, set sorting to sort by newest.


    The first 2-3 pages are nearly ALWAYS filled with stolen content, from CBB, from Creative Studio... from obscure Aesthetic makers to to everyone BUT George Verde and Meli Imako.


    I've sent the actual creators messages...


    They don't care.


    We can't flag them and have almost no curation...


    LL can't care.


    This is why many use SL... "just a gaem bro".


    We're okay with encouraging terrible practices here, though, from uploading to downloading... because we're NOT okay with sharing info and teaching people to do things properly because then we can't sell them a $L50 mesh of a model they got off world on a marketplace at the Arcade in a gacha with no demo, so you can't see the LOD's it doesn't have.


    For the second edit...


    Do you think any of the people buying the stuff to make gachas for the arcade, care?

    Do you think any of the people who buy it afterwards, care enough to even right click it and check the creator of the child links?

    Do you think the few who do, care enough to make a thread or file a 100% useless AR that just wastes everyone's time and money, because they aren't the "IP Owners" or "Creator"?.


    There's very, very clear reasons why SL isn't taken very seriously by many, many people in 2018.

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  15. Your error usually happens to me if either the parenting or the bone hierarchy has changed, or new bones added.


    The error is also seemingly wrong, the error should be stating that it's found a bone/chain with a parent that is NOT the hip, which is correctly named "mPelvis" and should remain named as "mPelvis".


    It's common to get this error if you leave in F-curves and animation data for control rigs and IK targets(which the importer can't deal with, it seems to expect only SL bones).

    edit: any bone data with NO parent may throw this error, not sure.


    Perhaps it's something in the .anim stuff server side.



    this link has the listing of the newer bones added with bento and the naming convention.



    This link has further links to the standard rigs with correctly named bone sets.

  16. Just had the same thing from Aus, nearly always failing at Region Handshake, meaning UDP...? but it's not my side, Port is forwarded and open for SL as always and I'm back in now, and was in when it dropped me... maybe there was a hiccup server side?.


    It let me log in to Toowong, one of the memorial regions @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Toowong/207/139/22

  17. after years of hearing the same 2 lines from "creators" to purchase the paid addon or pretend I'm a student...


    I finally made a working animator workflow, entirely free, entirely legit, no stolen dev kits and addons... based on an import of Fig Mistwoods QAvimator rig.


    It's stuff I did 2~ years ago and hit too many walls trying to get it finished.




    • Like 9
  18. 18 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    One of the reasons most SL scripters don't really do that well at Experience coding is... It's hard to practice and experiment with stuff you can't actually compile, because you are NOT an Entitlement Club member, with your own Experience key...

    Makes it a lot harder to play with the stuff...

    That's why Experiences are used nowhere near as often as LL probably hoped they would be.

    I mostly gave up on them due to a sheer lack of information.


    This, however makes me wonder if this is true for collaboration?


    Can anyone with a key add anyone without a key as a contributing writer for the experience?


    It's not touched on at all in the wiki, or the KB article @


    5 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    It's hardly rocket science.   You don't even need a control event for it to work -- just to request controls in the attach event and call llTakeControls when you receive them.  

    This is my point.


    How can I trust an experience when my clothing is doing odd stuff that's considered "Properly Scripted" so much that it's being charged for, because Professional Scripter A decided their HUD's and closed perms scripts in everything have a right to run in regions where the region owner said no, they don't?.


    Do my Arm warmers need to tell a server the region name I just entered?


    Does Store X really need all my perms to TP me to Kitchenware...


    Not everyone follows good practices, clearly, and when going into a decision blind I will be apprehensive.

  19. 3 hours ago, bluelacroix said:

    I can find the tablet, because I get this message:

    You have found the missing lablet! Now, it will self-destruct unless you touch it within the next two minutes. HURRY! 


    Did you touch it?


    You have to actually run into it, or click it with your mouse once in range, then the passcode will show on your HUD at the top.

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