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  1. anything that makes this easier id sure like to hear about.
  2. I was just wondering if there was a easier way around it then having to do tons of if this OR that
  3. I know of the Operators but I don't wanna have a long list of if this or that, I was hoping that you could use || Operators in the (list)item but I suppose that doesn't work
  4. So I was wondering if anyone has a good way of checking a list for multiple values, what I mean by this is following. Let's say i have List A which get's Numbers added to and removed so it's ever changing, now I want to have it that if I click a button it checks the list and makes sure that it has a number between 5-10, 11-15, 16- 20 and 21-25 if it has one of each it outputs a Message. I know to find if a single Number is in a list i could use if(~llListFindList(myList, (list)item)) but is there a easy way to be able to check multiple.
  5. All I can say is im frustrated to no end that Sl has to use some special ports other then default making it just difficult for everyone, now maybe this may be different in other countries and Web Hosting but no Web Hosting company around me will open random ports unless you own a dedicated Server.
  6. So is there a special reason SL is using different ports then the standard ones, cause this seems just annoying.
  7. That's might very well be the reason then why it's not working. I just checked and yeah the only ports open currently are 80 and 443 so the standard ones.
  8. I did attempt to use CURL from examples I saw, however it never seemed to work which leads me to believe 1 I am doing it wrong or 2 my Host Provider maybe doesn't allow it.
  9. I do understand you need to request a Url to point it towards, im just unsure how to write it within PHP that it sends it in world to that address you get.
  10. I understand the whole SL to PHP HTTP request and receiving the response, but how would I have the PHP script send a request of it's own inworld to a object?
  11. well a easy solution for sitting on link 1 always first seems to be by using 3 links surround link 1 and 2 with the link 3, then whenever you left click you basically click on link 3 which seems to then always force you to sit on link 1 first.
  12. I was playing around with the script part you suggested, however after testing it i can confirm that some parts do not function. if(llGetPermissions()&PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA){ llClearCameraParams(); } if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS){ llReleaseControls(); } while that looks like it should work it wont, i also have some what a issue with the llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(LINK_THIS) but it's cause of how i have my vehicle work, basically if the rider/driver jumps off the passenger takes over so suddenly the Rider/driver is sitting on link 2 while passenger would be on link 1, i can work around it but maybe using llGetLinkKey and addressing the specific link would be simpler in my case. also is there no way to force a avatar to always sit first onto the link 1 object, cause if i click on link 2 to seat it will sit onthat over the link 1
  13. i do think currently it clears it after, so clearing before makes a difference?
  14. I made sure that everything is split into 2 different scripts now the root holds the animations and permissions for the rider/driver and the first child prim holds the animations for the passenger and the permissions, it seems to go alright mostly but there is still 1 issue that seems to come up, so when the passenger sits or get's up it seems fine however when i use my eject feature which is basically a unsit command the camera seems messy, what i mean by this is that if i zoom around and click esc it doesn't flip back into it's position, maybe i didn't set something somewhere that im overlooking.
  15. So here is my question about that, since you are still sitting basically down on the same object or linkset with 2 avatars wont the standing up still clear both Permissions for the cameras that have been set?
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