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Posts posted by Ender9000

  1. Hey there, Ender here,

    So I have an update on a report I made under "Fraud" with the summary of "Extortion of money gifted with intent of receiving return of remaining funds"


    The money has been returned after constant arguing and fighting, and I have since abandoned all association with the abuser reported. No further action required, except toward me myself, I could use some comfort because the situation was extremely stressful and I was losing my own sanity. Otherwise, the situation has been resolved and no action is needed.




  2. 2 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    If you know the RL location of this person, you could contact the police in their area with as much information as you have & ask them to do a welfare check.

    I just wanted to know if they're banned or not, but I'll be fine.... now I'm just waiting for an admin to close this


  3. 23 minutes ago, Ethan Paslong said:

    that most likely still doesn't give a reason for LL to break the privacy rules. Unless there is a written consent of the person that you want to let research on private details. People disappear on SL all the time, every day. And mostly because their relationship sucks or their life gets so boring they create a alt and start allover.
    The answer thats given in 99.999% : sorry... but not possible.
    And to be honest, LL does not have the utilities to do that. If someone is so close you would have the RL details and could call the police. Many people assume a SL relation makes them priority ... but most are at most secundary in RL emergencies.

    *sighs* >_< Thanks.... It's fine....

  4. 6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Then you might understand my chuckle upon reading your post, until I got a bit further down.

    Or maybe you don't, but we do get a lot of people asking how to get free money - which is why/how my mind went there.

    It's fine... But I'm not like those people... I'm just deeply worried about someone.... someone I hold close to my heart....

  5. Indeed! It says that it's fixed, buncha lies! I still can't get in! "Best efforts", eh? Sure! I've got L$50K that says they'll "fix" it again... and it'll still be broken! (Apologies... I'm just really upset because I had to deal with a really bad breakup and my patience had gone way down... I love SL, I have lots of friends on there... I want it to be fixed, I wish I could ask for compensation for what happened, but whatever... I'll try to deal with it)

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