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Katie Reve

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Everything posted by Katie Reve

  1. Oh, Prokofy I am so out of my depth right now! Thank you so much for your detailed and considered response. The group I own has 1,744m land I also have a small strip that has been gifted to me since creating the group which is using part of my personal allowance. If I up my land credits will that allowance be applied to the group? Your answer is very thorough - I'm a little baffled but my awakening SL brain will remember eventually I hope.
  2. I'm returning to Second Life after a break (nearly 10 yrs!) with renewed curiosity. I am struggling to find my feet so I'd appreciate any guidance you can offer. There isn't anyone around anymore who I knew before. I ran a project a few years ago and was gifted some land. I don't know how to manage the allocation or my group anymore. Can anyone help me? Here are some blog posts about the project and my time in SL - https://pcmcreative.wordpress.com/category/second-life/ I can't wait to hear about your adventures and I hope to meet new people.
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