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Posts posted by RubyFaine

  1. On 7/24/2018 at 12:13 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

    A couple of things I didn't see when skimming the thread...

    Regular reliable events will build attendance. 

    Various contests will build attendance. Best dressed, costume, dancer, etc. There are people looking to make some L$ that follow contests and bring all their friends to vote for them. So, compare the Lab's advertising fees and results to the cost of your events awarding prizes.

    You can probably talk some designers into sponsoring events that feature their products.

    Having a group to remind people of the event start time and provide a link. I will say that I REALLY have to like a place to commit one of my group slots to it. I am much more likely to do a Subscib-O-Matic commit than a group join. Also, multiple notices all day long will drive me out of a group.

    Also, there are DJ's that have followings. So, see about DJ'ing at popular clubs. You may pick up some fans. Most clubs will allow you to promote yourself but not your club. So, a group based on you rather than your club may work better.

    Thank you!

    I dont post a lot of notices, and if people wanna dj here they surely can! I have not asked about people advertising in my club with their products so maybe that will also help! I am just really really anxious to get the ball rolling. I got banned from a place I was not happy about it, but learning from my mistake, oh well.............live on! And I am a learning about building stuff, so far its fun and relaxing!

  2. On 7/20/2018 at 11:23 PM, Rolig Loon said:

    You invite all of your friends and ask them to invite their friends. And you better have something interesting enough to make them want to stay and come again. Very few clubs make money and few survive for very long, so just plan on doing things you and your friends enjoy. If you succeed, other people will hear about it. If not, you'll still have fun. 

    For me it's not about making money, its fun! D: And I love djing!

  3. 1 hour ago, Callum Meriman said:

    SEO is "Search Engine Optimisation". When talking about the new style search, the search engine does de-rate people who only use unrelated keyword spam.  For example: "Music girls guys gay straight furrys afk england loses football antarctica sex hardstyle free freebee boybits" will rate lower in search than a meaningful paragraph. There are many other factors in your search position, but that is one of them.

    This is quantifiable somewhat. You can change your parcel description over time and watch it move up or down in the list on your preferred search terms. We spent about a month working on the exact working needed to raise our entry on the searches we wanted. 

    Although a fair chunk of people do use the old search that is strictly ranked on traffic.

    It's hard to quantify who comes in on search and who comes in from other marketing like ad-boards (which are certainly worthwhile) or word of mouth.

    Oh alright, thank you very much! It would just be nice to have random people show up you know like they did where I was at. I am not seeking employment at my plot for I am broke, I am just looking for listeners and letting others invite others to have a good time as well. D: Thank you for the input!

  4. Can you please explain by what you mean by this statement?: 


    You can get some with a decently worded parcel add for search. As there is an SEO algorithm there, rather then just keyword-spam fill your parcel description with a readable paragraph.

    Just reading and learning and more researching. I am not worried about the money, rather for fun.

  5. Is anyone at all still interested in listening to this genre of music?! I am still grooving with it and making a club on my plot and currently still building. How do I get traffic? My other friends were wondering too, any help is grateful and advice. Message me in world please! Thank you!

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